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Perfect Storm

by  pene

Posted: Friday, August 15, 2003
Word Count: 116
Summary: an insight in to bipolar affective disorder

Like the perfect storm the perfect manic episode builds from its epicentre
inextricably gathering the flotsam of debris that surrounds it,
expanding swirling ever faster until, in a cacophony of pain and anger,
strength and resolve,it bursts
spraying emotional shrapnel simultaneously
in many non-specific directions.
As it unleashes externally, internally it's strength wanes,
losing momentum the storm ceases to rage,
replaced by calmer winds of consolation
tears like rainfall wash away anger
attempts are made to repair the damage.
Whilst the storm calms the aftershock of instability
humility and paranoia
sucks the remaining strength from within,
leaving the eye blind, vulnerable, open
ready for the cycle to re-spin
it's episodic dances in the epitome of insanity.