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IV The Drifting of the Thing

by  The Walrus

Posted: 21 August 2003
Word Count: 105

The smooth brown-skinned man
And the brown-haired girl
Retreated reluctantly to their havens
Seeking hidden sanctuary

The unchartered waters
Rippled over them
Both with swells of sadness
And alluring scents of adventure

The brown-skinned man
Unstretched his broad wings
And beat a bold path
To foreign encouraging nests
In which he found
Soothing solace

The brown-haired girl
Felt the sweeping wave
Of the unyielding current

But as she emerged drenched
From the sudden surge
Her equilibrium restored
In relieved remembrance
That upon the ocean of chance
The thing still shone
Its magnificence

And so it drifted
Bobbing randomly
Towards the bounty
Of the untouchable horizon