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Harbouring the Truth

by  joanie

Posted: Saturday, April 29, 2006
Word Count: 154
Summary: My response to the 'Virelay' exercise in Poetry Seminar.

I return your smile. You think you know that all is well
while I harbour the truth
because right now you have no idea I might rebel.
I look back to my youth.

You think yourself the big detective, quite a sleuth
but fail to see
this slight flush on my cheek, this ripple in the smooth
line of my mouth. Free,

I would run to my lover, grab the future, everything I want to be.
Fettered, I accept my lot;
I frantically trawl my dreams and try to see
the images which I forgot.

Perhaps tomorrow, although something tells me maybe not,
I possibly could go
and give my life-long longings one last shot,
but all I know

is Life doesn’t want to own me. Come on, someone! Show me where
I fit into these days of hell.
I do my best, I try to make encounters a valuable affair.
Time will tell.