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Dead on the inside.

by  Bobo

Posted: Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Word Count: 145
Summary: A few cheery lines about someone I met while running a London bar...

Where once there was softness now only rage;
An anger so vehement it serves as your cage.
Locked behind bars you snarl at us all
Deriding our being to make us feel small.

Yet you are the sad one, with life torn to shreds.
No true friends to turn to or lover to bed.
Such bitterness repellent, impenetrable shell -
This is your life, your punishment, your hell.

And there as you fry we stand and we stare.
Once some would mourn you cos once someone cared.
But now as you frazzle we feel nothing but numb;
Only a sense that you had it to come.

‘What goes around comes around’ - maybe that’s true.
The bad seeds you sowed rooted badness in you.
I give you my pity, but all else I keep -
For you I’ve no sadness or salt tears to weep.