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by  o11ie

Posted: Friday, August 4, 2006
Word Count: 119
Summary: something I wrote whilst meditating alot

Interesting, thoughts, aren’t they?
Fleeting and momentary
Groundless and subjective
They’re invisible
No one can hear them
Except us
Sometimes even we can’t
Yet there power
Is untouched in this world
Even nature
In it’s rawest forms
Is touched fatally
By these imagined,
Created, and empty nothings
Hydrogen bombs like volcanoes
From thoughts of protection
Comes such destruction
Rainforests destroyed
To feed our greedy minds
Our bodies scream at us
Stop, please stop
Obesity, poverty, crime, addiction
The list is endless
Yet still these unsubstantiated
Rumors rule us
Are we deaf?
Are we blind?
Or are we just numb?
Numb to the damage
These innuendoes and interpretations
Create within in and without
Without then within
Interesting thoughts, aren’t they?