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by  Meena

Posted: Friday, October 3, 2003
Word Count: 130
Summary: To see is a gift. A precious gift.


It's dark outside
It's dark inside
It's dark everywhere I turn
It's darkness like the night
A darkness without the stars

It's dark behind the door
I wonder....
If I am brave
To walk across the floor
Out the door

I think I am
I'll try once
Taking my companion 'the white stick'
If I do this
Mum will be proud
Dad will be proud
Everyone will rejoice
To see how brave I have become

The accident left a life
A dark life
At least it's life
I am alive
Amongst my family and loved ones

There is hope
I will see the colours again
We live in hope
Technology can do a lot
I have a promise from the doc
Soon there will be no darkness

September 2003