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Forboding of the man.

by  roovacrag

Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Word Count: 145
Summary: Tribute to a man i love and cherish and will always be a friend.

I CRY OUT,I feel your pain.
I can do nothing to ease it.
I feel a sense of foreboding,
but i am here.

My cup runneth over,
hot liquid scalds my skin.

I feel no pain.
I only feel yours.

I hold your head between my breasts.
Place my cheek against your hair.
Hoping the pain will seep through,
so i can halve it.

I won't allow you to walk through the valley of shadows.
Iwon't allow the shadow of death enthrall you.
I will be your strength,
as you were once mine.

we dare not look into each others eyes,
as we would see our souls.
Laid bare for all to see,
this cannot happen.

We are a oneness only Ra can tell.
Our sun god who sees all.
No fears,
no evil,
just calm.

Kindred spirits we will be.
Devoted love of friends.