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See the Show!

by  M. Close

Posted: Friday, November 27, 2009
Word Count: 101
Summary: week 68 ...the Treza Rima. i think i stuck to the form ok. Didn't get the pentameter, but I think I did manage some rhythm. This is more about the experience rather then the movie...but the last show I saw was called Blind Side.

Off to the movies to see the show,
it’s Friday night, weekend beginning.
We hope it’s a good one but who can know,

the critics, they have my head spinning.
Outside, the kids have phones to their ears,
young faces, animated, grinning.

Time to find seats as the show time nears,
bring in popcorn soda and candy.
Find a good place to settle our rears,

while the young ones get a bit randy.
Silence your cell phones, put them away,
I sure hope the movie is dandy.

Movie was good, I must truly say,
more fun than at home, doing crochet.