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Folly Head

by  dharker

Posted: 12 November 2010
Word Count: 496

“Come on Susi! That last bit of cake this morning holding you back?”

“James! You cheeky sod! I’ll get there when I get there! And for the record it was you that had the last croissant!” she grinned,

Susi puffed her way up the track, red in the face and not a little out of breath. Wisps of auburn hair stuck to her brow and a bead of perspiration made a run for it down her cheek.

James smiled and took his girlfriend by the hand. Moving on, they found themselves looking over an old pond; in its prime a beautiful artefact planned and executed by Capability Brown, now a stinking mess of fallen branches leaves and pond weed. And beyond lay Folly Head; It had been a major house, commandeered and used as a military hospital during the Second World War, then a boarding school and lastly a mental institute until the mid 60’s when it was finally closed down.

Now abandoned and devastated by time and vandals, it looked a sorry mess. Only a small part of the roof remained - the rest a charred mess of timbers and overgrowing Ivy. Smoke stains climbed from the upper windows, which in turn punctuated the red brick facade like broken teeth. James looked up and smiled at the irony he saw in the melted, rusted fire escapes that blighted those once beautiful walls, then raised his camera. Click! The image stored for posterity.

The smell of decay scented the air and dusty motes danced like flies in the still air. Far off a pair of magpies cackled and chattered at each other. A feeling of gloom and depression settled over them and Susi shivered involuntarily. She had the strongest feeling that they were not alone.

“James… I reeeeally don’t like this” she whispered, clutching at his arm.

“Don’t be daft Susi” replied James, “it’s just an old house. What's the worst that could happen? Come on let’s take a look around”

Then off he wandered, Susi following reluctantly behind.

He found the cellar door almost by accident. Out of curiosity he twisted the handle and slowly it creaked open, daylight revealing stairs leading down into a dimly lit room.

“Hey Susi! Come and take a look at this!”

“What’s up? Oh James! I’m not coming down there!”

“It’s just SO weird Susi, come on down and take a look“

“Well OK… if you’re sure…” and she crept timidly down the stairs.

She found James in the middle of a large room. There was light from a source that they couldn’t identify but it was enough to highlight the object of James’ fascination. In the middle of the room was a circle of 5 chairs, all pointing outwards and each at the point of a badly scribbled pentagram.

Somewhere far away they heard a loud crash followed by the sound of manic whispering.
The cellar door slammed shut.
and the lights went out.
and Susi felt sick.