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Just a girl inna dream (but I love her)

by  Sparrow_splitter

Posted: Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Word Count: 110

Last night I dreamt
of being in love.
Of kissing
and holding her close.
I couldn't quite make out her face,
but it seemed so right.
Her teeth were like tusks,
three feet long
and brilliant white.
It was a dream,
not what I like.

So I'm looking for a girl
with no face,
and tusks.
I would feel no fear,
only love.
If I asked her out,
I'd know she'd say yes.
But all I can do is dream,
as she could not exist.

So now I must sleep,
and hope.
Maybe in my dreams,
I'll chance upon her again
and then,
when I wake,
I'll crack one out.