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by  Zettel

Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Word Count: 157


It is time, in all conscience
Human conscience
Not to pray. In God's name deny
Next world promises
Man-made lethal lies 
Of a Man-imagined paradise
Heaven's rivers in spate
run red with human blood
Murderous metaphysics multiply
Myriad-worded menus
Without a scrap of food
And blood for wine
Sustain Man's brute addiction
To religious power, might, and death
Not in our names 
Despairing, weeping Gods decry
Only in the form of absence 
May we love unbound
For us the only absolute
Is life: this life, not some future lie
This wondrous, sacred gift of now
Fragile finite transient
Our sole duty to preserve
This end all means must serve
The gods are in despair today
jesus weeps: mohammad mourns
and elah's wrath is roused
Their creation, Man whose love of hate
and hate of love ascends
women, givers of life He rapes unheard
What a piece of work is Man
Death His dominion now.