Printed from WriteWords -


by  crowspark

Posted: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Word Count: 112
Summary: For Michael's challenge.

I am twelve 
Grandfather is in heaven, 
Looking down to check  
I am always good. 
He was a policeman; 
now still active 
on God's force. 
I am fourteen 
watching tv 
my first State Funeral. 
Churchill is dead 
dockland cranes dip 
to mark the passage 
of the boat chugging 
his body up the Thames. 
I am twenty 
sprawled on the grass 
of Blackheath 
under the moon 
and above the black death 
plague victims doused in lime. 
Ship horns at Greenwich forewarn, 
another year. 
I am seventy 
the ice caps are melting 
Earth chokes as forests burn.
Plastic poisons the oceans 
and somehow, I have slipped 
between realities 
to an endgame 
undreamt of.