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When can I give up the day job?

by  joanie

Posted: Monday, July 26, 2004
Word Count: 272
Summary: The names remain unchanged in order to incriminate the guilty.

Bonjour tout le monde, ça va?
Alors, asseyez-vous.

Get your books out, Stacey,
I don’t want to wait for you.

On va commencer aujourd’hui
à la page quarante-huit.

Don’t kick Ashley’s chair please
Thomas. Just stay in your seat.

Ecoutez! Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire
le weekend, d’habitude?

Don’t shout out like that please
Josh. You know I think it’s rude.

Tu habites où – dans un village,
en ville, sur la côte?

I’m neither blind nor stupid, Hayley,
please give me that note!

Qu’est-ce que tu as fait, alors,
le weekend dernier?

Kaileigh, Natalie and Jane
put your eye make-up away.

Répétez – c’est ça – excellent!
superbe, hypercool!

Now certain verbs take être;
who can clarify the rule?

No, I don’t think French is stupid,
Lauren; what’s more, nor are you,
so come on, have a go and then
we’ll see what you can do.

Quarante-huit, that’s forty eight,
Miss. OK, thank you, Ben.
Ecoutez! Will you listen? I’m not
saying it again!

Forty eight! The red book! (Look,
just find the bloody page.)
Tom, stop thumping Sarah; like I
told you, act your age.

No, that hardly was a put-down,
was it? Alright go ahead
if you really want to sue me. It’s OK,
I’m in the red.

Qui voudrait lire le dialogue?
Je cherche une volontaire.

I’m not being sexist, Jack;
I’m trying to be fair.

No time for any more now;
Alors, rangez vos affaires.
Books away and tables straight;
Stand behind your chair.

Just before you go let’s find out
What you learned today.
Me, I’ve learned that years ago
I should have changed my way.