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by  Souchong

Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Word Count: 503
Summary: snapshot short story

I lobbed a stone at the nearest tank and legged it, not even waiting for the ker-ching. By the time the shout came, I was crouching behind a chunk of concrete inside the shadows of the office block where my dad used to work. You can see the steel poles of its skeleton, where the front got blown off. There’s nothing left inside. No bodies. I found a half-melted biro once. Mangled chair frames. Half a desk. Not his desk, I don’t think. He worked on the second floor. Till the Americans came.
I held my breath against the dust, counting. The khaki trousers and black boots stopped a metre away. No way would he see me. The sunlight outside was too bright. Besides, something was going on. I’d seen the film crews chatting with the soldiers, sharing fags. They had shut the square off. No civilians allowed. Didn’t bother me. There are always ways of getting round the city.
I waited till he moved on, then picked my way over the jagged blocks, deeper into the building, avoiding the jungle of cables and metal spikes, as my eyes adjusted. I could have done it blindfold, but there was no rush now, and you never know if things have shifted in the night
‘Zaki,’ I heard a low, urgent voice.
‘All right, Rana?’ My sister. What was she doing here? I made my way over to her. She was half-sitting, half-kneeling in the rubble, hugging herself. She didn’t look right. My gut clenched. I put my hand out. She flinched. I could smell blood.
‘Rana, what is it? What have they done to you? Where are you hurt?‘
She didn’t answer. I got as close to her as I could. Her dress was torn. I could see the pale gleam of her chest. She wouldn’t look at me. I stroked her hair. It felt damp. She grabbed my hand and pulled it into her lap. Her legs were sticky.
‘It won’t stop,’ she whimpered. ‘He made me bleed, and it won’t stop.’
‘Who has? Who’s hurt you? Rana, are you shot?’
She shook her head.
‘Let me get someone, Rana. I’ll get someone. It’ll be all right’. I wanted to let go of her hand, but she clutched me as though her life depended on it. I heard shouts on the street. ‘I’ll get Mama. You need Mama.’ I twisted my hand out of her grasp. ‘I’ll be quick. Please. I promise. ’
I stumbled outside, and was immediately grabbed by a soldier in a green t-shirt. He swung me onto his shoulder. I kicked out, smashing at his helmet with my fist. He laughed and carried me over to the tank, pushing me up onto it. I was wedged in with three other boys. They threw us chocolate. People were screaming and shouting. There were ropes on the President's statue. Everyone was hugging each other. I tried to scramble out but I couldn’t move. The tank roared, then lurched towards the square.