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To rhyme or not to rhyme?

by  joanie

Posted: Saturday, November 20, 2004
Word Count: 105
Summary: a bit of fun really......because I love WW and what it has done for me.

That is indeed the question,
which I've pondered hard and long;
I'd always written verses
which had gaily danced along,

until one day I stumbled,
in my surfing on the net,
upon a site called 'Writewords',
and I broke out in a sweat,

because pretty soon I re-
alised that rhyming wasn't 'in',
so I re-assessed my writing
style and took it on the chin.

Today, a few months older,
with maturity to spare,
I boldly post my poems,
and whether they rhyme or not,
I really don't care, because,
now I know that there is


place for

all kinds

of poetry.

Thanks, WW