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Reality Gets A Lobotomy (Part IV)

by  laurafraser

Posted: Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Word Count: 336
Summary: The Final Chunk-yey! To all of you who have made the effort to read this I am hugely indebted: I have read all of yur comments and will reply tomorrow and my lack of acknowledgment is very rude and for that I apologise. xlaura

The quintessenciality of reality is really nought but a game,
Now there’s no one to blame,
So lets not start genuflecting or writing passion bloated words
That frankly are a little absurd,
But instead lets just hear the heart beat
And the breath that tickles your nose
Lets go up there and see whom we might meet,
There could even be someone quite fantastic up there, up there in your nose,
And even if there’s no one, it doesn’t matter,
And it won’t mean your not “getting it,”
Nor will it mean you’re atrocious or even slightly precocious,
It really won’t matter at all,
It really doesn’t matter at all,
And the reason for that dear,
The reason for that,
Is this happiness and meaning and significance and ahh! That you’re searching
And looking and analysing everything for,
That feeling you desire and hanker for, that you covet from what you think is
So far away,
My dear, It's there!
(Inside of us)

Inside us gallop unicorns and fantasies, ecstasies, and magic,
Inside us bubbles the energy that created us all,
Inside us of is the beauty & the skin-shattering joy,
Inside us sits the wisdom of the sage and the innocence of the madman,
Inside us is the world you long for
Inside us dance openly the dreams you think yourself too hefty too uncover,
Inside sleeps a magnificence and a brilliance that my dear my darling my love,
My faceless friend
And my furthest foe
Inside us go inside of us,
It is there!
You’ve found it,
Inside of us,
Go inside of us,
but don’t try and catch a hold of “it”,
tangibility is not a facility that will make you understand,
inside of us your thoughts will reveal their chimerical nature
and inside of us
You will laugh
because you know you can cry
and you know that the rainbow has no end,
so go inside of us
just please go inside of us
and dance with the dream of your dreams.