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Thought Snippets

by  Zettel

Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2005
Word Count: 167
Summary: Not quite poetry. But playing with ideas like skimming stones on a docile sea. The kind of thing you note on a scrap of paper - a 'zettel' in German.

Thought Snippets

God came to me in a dream
I dreamed God came to me

Language of commitment
Language as commitment

Reading the words
Reading the sense

Following a rule
Being guided by a rule

Believing you know
Knowing you believe

Saying what you mean
Meaning what you say

I believe, help Thou mine unbelief
I know…I need no help

The pursuit of happiness
Finding happiness

I know I'm a bad tennis player
But I don't want to be a better player
I know I'm unkind
But I don't want to be kinder

Please talk to me
Don't talk at me

Doubt is the seed of thought
Certainty never germinates

There's nothing to apologise for
I won't apologise
Why should I apologise?
If I apologise….
When I apologise…then
Perhaps I should apologise
I ought to apologise
It is my duty to apologise
I regret it
I am ashamed

Zettel 2005

(The last stanza dedicated to Mr Blair. Keep at it Tone - you're almost half-way there).