Juliana Grundy  

Juliana Grundy spent several years sorting out other people's mortgages, before coming to her senses and leaving to achieve a First Class Honours degree in English and Creative Writing. She then got a Post-Grad qualification to teach in the post-compulsory sector, and taught Life Skills and Healthy Living to male Young Offenders in an open prison, despite - or perhaps because of - enjoying most of the same vices she was warning them against. Since giving up teaching she's worked in Academic Administration and Estate Agency, but is currently unemployed and recovering from a subarachnoid haemorrhage which happened very suddenly on 13 March 2005.

Juliana has always written, but discovered long ago that only the novel form suited her style. She is currently seeking representation/publication for the novels listed on this site, as well as future works. If, however, you're looking for a short article or filler about cats, then Juliana will probably be able to oblige.

Juliana Grundy smoked her last cigarette on 13 March 2005, but still loves the soon-to-be-history heady aroma of smoky pubs. Her fiction reflects a fascination with music and counter-culture and a youth spent on the road with boys in bands. She used to play sax, but now prefers to watch from the sidelines, observe, and write about the people she knows.

She doesn't believe in growing up.