Murdered Worm
Posted: 09 March 2003 Word Count: 79 |
A worm murdered
Feed a fish to a tormenting end
A thousand silent, patient, jerking seconds
Awaiting the hasty approach
Final capture, glory in an exaggerated triumph
Satisfaction of life’s artificial necessity
Lick your fingers
Taste buds approve
A naked hook dances from a string
Two feet below wind whispering
Fishes too win
Cautiously maneuvering around delicious death traps
Wanton waste of dispensable worms
Worthless lives
Fit only for fancy final feed
Cruel realities, tucked under hardened ways
Change at this juncture
Hardly seems the way
Wisen, and maneuver
May God grant you another day
Feed a fish to a tormenting end
A thousand silent, patient, jerking seconds
Awaiting the hasty approach
Final capture, glory in an exaggerated triumph
Satisfaction of life’s artificial necessity
Lick your fingers
Taste buds approve
A naked hook dances from a string
Two feet below wind whispering
Fishes too win
Cautiously maneuvering around delicious death traps
Wanton waste of dispensable worms
Worthless lives
Fit only for fancy final feed
Cruel realities, tucked under hardened ways
Change at this juncture
Hardly seems the way
Wisen, and maneuver
May God grant you another day
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