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School Dinners

by Nooty 

Posted: 04 November 2006
Word Count: 136
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School Dinners

Without a care, I will prepare
Your lunch time feast of simple fare
Too much salt, too much fat and the occasional hair
But do you care, no not at all
You file in, one by one to the dinner hall
Pushing, shoving and staring at the wall
With tray and fork, knife and spoon
You wait in line as we take our time
You sit and glare then munch with speed
Cause you only get ten minutes to eat
Of course it’s true it will all have to change
Soon we’ll start at the crack of dawn
Chopping, cutting, mixing and all
Making meals fit for kings and queens
Not little darlings, not fussy pots
But lean cuisine, posh nosh, not the usual tripe
Now Jamie Oliver has been given the green light

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Comments by other Members

joanie at 14:35 on 05 November 2006  Report this post
Hi Nooty. I can't believe that you aren't part of the 'system'! This is very perceptive, but I have to say that since our school produced better meals, the dining room has been much calmer and there has been a much better atmosphere. However, morning break still supplies pasties, bacon sarnies, sausage rolls, pizzas, etc., and many spend their daily allocation on break instead of lunchtime.

I liked the opening rhyme but why didn't it continue? Perhaps a change of focus. I'd like to see a fully rhyming poem! (Cos
I like rhyme!)


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