In triplet (You’ll get over it, Forget about her and Could’ve Been)
Posted: 05 January 2007 Word Count: 450 Summary: Three pieces on a reflecting theme, about a deception on the internet. |
You’ll get over this.
Won’t you?
I mean it wasn’t real.
Now was it?
It was all about fantasy; you know, what you were envisaging?
About her I mean.
And you know that.
Well of course you do
But in time
You’ll get over it, because all of what she said wasn’t true.
Now lets be serious, it wasn’t was it?
About being single
About adoring you
About wishing you were there
About holding her
About caressing her
About the cold lonely nights
About an empty side of the bed
About you getting under her skin
About missing him, he who was never actually away
I mean was it?
Face it sunshine none of it was real.
She doesn’t and never did care a jot about you.
But you’ll get over it, well course you will.
Because if you don’t.
Well then tell me, what other options are left for you to choose?
Forget about her, and move on.
That’s what they all say.
Forget about her
Her long black hair
Her cool glistening emerald eyes
Her soft milk skin
Her impeccable manners
Her contrasting grin
Her sexy giggle
Her terse icy moods
Her elegant style
Her so called desire for you
Her act
Her lies
Yes I know, I know
The advice is glib and unfeeling
But in any case just move on
Do it Donnie Brasco styleee ‘just forget about it.’
Do that crazy man in black laser type thing
You know the quick zap flash across the eyes deal
And yes she’ll be gone just like that
Take all of her, and sweep her to a hidden recess
Somewhere way, way back in a dark dusty room in your mind
Find and lift an old weatherworn torn rug, and brush her under a
Corner, pat down the tell tale bump, and
Just like you would flick a fly from your thigh
Give her very the same thought you would that fly
Turn off the light
Close and lock that door
Throw away the key
Then just like that forget all about her
Forget all the good and yes all the bad
And move on… oh yes you must move on.
Could’ve been her white knight, on a white steed
Could’ve been her prince
Could’ve saved the day
Could’ve been a new day
Could’ve been a new beginning
Could’ve both escaped
Could’ve been two bad making one good.
Could’ve been a house
Could’ve been three dark eyed daughters
Could’ve been a family dog
Could’ve been fresh air
Could’ve learned to breathe
Could’ve been a real life
Could’ve been if only
Would’ve been if perhaps…
Should’ve been, but in reality life just doesn’t work like that
Won’t you?
I mean it wasn’t real.
Now was it?
It was all about fantasy; you know, what you were envisaging?
About her I mean.
And you know that.
Well of course you do
But in time
You’ll get over it, because all of what she said wasn’t true.
Now lets be serious, it wasn’t was it?
About being single
About adoring you
About wishing you were there
About holding her
About caressing her
About the cold lonely nights
About an empty side of the bed
About you getting under her skin
About missing him, he who was never actually away
I mean was it?
Face it sunshine none of it was real.
She doesn’t and never did care a jot about you.
But you’ll get over it, well course you will.
Because if you don’t.
Well then tell me, what other options are left for you to choose?
Forget about her, and move on.
That’s what they all say.
Forget about her
Her long black hair
Her cool glistening emerald eyes
Her soft milk skin
Her impeccable manners
Her contrasting grin
Her sexy giggle
Her terse icy moods
Her elegant style
Her so called desire for you
Her act
Her lies
Yes I know, I know
The advice is glib and unfeeling
But in any case just move on
Do it Donnie Brasco styleee ‘just forget about it.’
Do that crazy man in black laser type thing
You know the quick zap flash across the eyes deal
And yes she’ll be gone just like that
Take all of her, and sweep her to a hidden recess
Somewhere way, way back in a dark dusty room in your mind
Find and lift an old weatherworn torn rug, and brush her under a
Corner, pat down the tell tale bump, and
Just like you would flick a fly from your thigh
Give her very the same thought you would that fly
Turn off the light
Close and lock that door
Throw away the key
Then just like that forget all about her
Forget all the good and yes all the bad
And move on… oh yes you must move on.
Could’ve been her white knight, on a white steed
Could’ve been her prince
Could’ve saved the day
Could’ve been a new day
Could’ve been a new beginning
Could’ve both escaped
Could’ve been two bad making one good.
Could’ve been a house
Could’ve been three dark eyed daughters
Could’ve been a family dog
Could’ve been fresh air
Could’ve learned to breathe
Could’ve been a real life
Could’ve been if only
Would’ve been if perhaps…
Should’ve been, but in reality life just doesn’t work like that
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