Posted: 29 June 2009 Word Count: 77 Summary: Looking for work, with apologies to TS Eliot's, The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock . . . and maybe Dr Seuss! |
And indeed there will be time
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Tick the box that shouldn’t be there,
Being straight and male and definitely white,
No chance of an interview, it just isn’t right.
My necktie rich, suit understated but smart
[They will say: “He doesn’t fit in, we cant let him start!"]
Do I dare
Compromise my values, with career on the rocks
To get a job
By ticking the transgender box?
To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”
Tick the box that shouldn’t be there,
Being straight and male and definitely white,
No chance of an interview, it just isn’t right.
My necktie rich, suit understated but smart
[They will say: “He doesn’t fit in, we cant let him start!"]
Do I dare
Compromise my values, with career on the rocks
To get a job
By ticking the transgender box?
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