j.oreilly at 20:13 on 09 March 2010
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Have written 1239 today , bringing it up to 1914 altogether, which I am pleased with
thanks for the nice comments everyone
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Forbes at 12:40 on 10 March 2010
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Greta! Hope the muse flows through those pinkies and helps you achieve your goals! Keep up a steady pace. remember get it down in draft 1 (with no major errors in flow for me, but you may be different) and you can fix most things in draft 2, 3, 4.... whatever!
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j.oreilly at 13:39 on 10 March 2010
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840 so far today, could be worse.
total now at 2754, aiming for 3k by the end of today.
Now have to go dig small boy out of his pit
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debac at 14:45 on 10 March 2010
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Going well, Jim! Keep it up!
Oh, I am soooo sorry, Jane - I seem to have given you a sex change! I apologise. I think I must have got you mixed up with someone called Jim who said he was about to become active in here, and assumed the J was him....
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j.oreilly at 19:46 on 10 March 2010
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no worries debac, its an easy mistake to make
not in real life, I hasten to add, where I do not look even remotely manly :O
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j.oreilly at 08:59 on 13 March 2010
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Added another 1300 yesterday, so now at 4961.
I was aiming for 5K, but close enough
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j.oreilly at 15:09 on 15 March 2010
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Now at 6935, after the weekend and todays (not overly productive) lunchtime, but husband is going out with work tonight so hoping to get another hour in this evening and try and get close to 8K.
I am thinking of setting up a spreadsheet, as others have mentioned, with a bit where I can put what has happened in each chapter, I am thinking it will be very useful for synopsis writing later.
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Account Closed at 19:59 on 15 March 2010
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Great progress, Jane!
Tracking chapters with a spreadsheet is a great idea. It's something I've not done too well at the beginning and only came to realise the value later.
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j.oreilly at 13:32 on 29 March 2010
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Not been very productive, but now trying to resume normal service, after a couple of weeks of incessantly ill children/domestic dramas/synopsis writing
at 14K, should really be at around 20K, but such is life 
will try and catch up with everyone else later
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butterfly2000 at 15:43 on 29 March 2010
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Hi Jane
yeah, life can really get in the way sometimes, lol
I've just joined here, so looking forward to encouraging and being encouraged
best wishes
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Forbes at 18:17 on 29 March 2010
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Don't think what you SHOULD be at, think of the fun you'll now have putting those words down on the screen and growing the word count.
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j.oreilly at 11:38 on 07 April 2010
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Made it to the 20K which feels like it has happened quite quickly so pleased with progress so far.
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