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A Thalidomide Lover/Writer

by Sparrow_splitter 

Posted: 08 December 2003
Word Count: 67
Summary: Probably the most un-PC title I have ever thought of, for which I apologize.

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This piece and/or subsequent comments may contain strong language.

I wrote of sex
and wicked times.
I wrote of love
in stupid rhymes.

I meant to do them,
I really did.
Was I scared
or just a flid.

One day soon,
I'll live a life,
fuck a woman,
take a wife.
Settle down,
rent a flat
Fuck that shit,
I don't need that.

I'll keep on writing
as I am,
drink some booze,
live this sham.

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Comments by other Members

roovacrag at 05:23 on 09 December 2003  Report this post
I liked this one. At this time of the morning made me laugh. You have a great sense of humour. Make sure you use it well. Hope to read more of this kind of work. You are a natural. xx Alice

Fearless at 08:51 on 09 December 2003  Report this post

I like the rythmn....haven't used the word 'flid' since I was at school. Write on....


Bobo at 11:08 on 09 December 2003  Report this post
Sparrow - I'm drawn to anything un-PC, so really appreciated this - a breath of fresh air.

BoBo x

dr_mandrill at 18:53 on 10 December 2003  Report this post
It's funny because it's true.

This poem gets two thumbs up from me- it's thought provoking and has made me realise that my job makes me sad and I want to fight my boss. I'm gonna steal twice as much stationery from the cupboard til I work out a proper plan.


Sparrow_splitter at 22:48 on 10 December 2003  Report this post
Thanks everyone, some very kind words.
Fearless - I hadn't used the word flid since I was at school either but I thought it was about time for a comeback... 'ah skill'.

DM - you go for it, I'm quitting my life of perpetual academia so I can write. You just gotta have balls.

poemsgalore at 18:26 on 20 January 2004  Report this post
Well said mate.

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