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by Jojovits1 

Posted: 25 June 2022
Word Count: 75
Summary: I am so angry over the whole US Roe v Wade thing but my biggest worry is where will it end as I suspect same sex marriage might be the next thing

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Through time
our voices have pierced
like pinpricks through paper
until there are so many
that the tiny holes
appear as one.
We penetrate
Illuminate injustice
from voting booths
to factory floors
in shimmering colours
of purple, white and blue
A rainbow of steel
empathy, acceptance
and love
They tried to
dim our light today
but that’s the thing about light
when it hits an obstacle
it finds a way
to go around

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Comments by other Members

michwo at 10:01 on 26 June 2022  Report this post
A spokesperson for Amnesty International has already called it "a shameful decision" and some of the placards in Ireland are saying REMEMBER SAVITA, a young Indian woman who died of sepsis after being refused an abortion. Even in another traditionally Catholic country, Italy, a law was passed in the late seventies (?) (1978?) allowing for abortion. You obviously feel very strongly about this issue yourself.


P.S. Joe Biden too feels that the Supreme Court in America should not have the last word in this matter.

V`yonne at 13:32 on 26 June 2022  Report this post
Jo I think this is a brilliant poem. In the fst stanza the simile is very apt and then you hit with that

We penetrate

which is both masculine and aggressive.
You widen the context beautifully into the workplace and historically with suffragette colours and the rainbow image makes it inclusive of LGBT
The final stanza is a literal triumph of light over darkness.

This needs an immediate forum my dear and I am not a Silent poet would do that on FB but also Lunchtime Poems where I often place poems would share it. I would share it!!!

crowspark at 17:07 on 27 June 2022  Report this post
I love

Through time
our voices have pierced
like pinpricks through paper
until there are so many
that the tiny holes
appear as one.

and the next stanza

I agree with Oonah, send it somewhere!

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