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Teenage Loathing

by ArchieHannibal 

Posted: 27 March 2005
Word Count: 5083
Summary: It's not done yet, I've just recently got over a year long horrible case of writers block and one day at work my mind was just screaming at me and I began to write this story, it isnt great but still, please so tell me if it would be worth spending more time on.

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"Wake up." Eddie faintly heard ring in her mind. "Come on, wake up, we have things to do" The words all meshed together into just a deep murmur. The shake is what awoke her "EARTHQUAKE!" She shouted as she jumped out of the bed. Seth let out a chuckle to make Eddie acknowledge his presence. "Jesus Seth! You know never to shake me when I'm sleeping!" Eddie said angered and embarrassed at the same time. "Well, how else was I going to wake you up? Dump water on you? I'm sure you'd scream Tsunami or something then! You sleep like a fucking rock!" Eddie glanced over at Seth and looked into his beautiful green eyes, looking into his eyes always relaxed and soothed her, yet at the same time made her feel like a deer staring at car lights in shock. "What did you wake me up for anyways Seth, it's Saturday, I have no school and I'm off work today, so I have no reason to be awake..." Eddie said, finally being able to look away from Seth and at her Alarm clock next to her. "And it's only nine in the morning! Jesus Seth, go home." She continued to rant as she lay back down on her Queen bed and pulled the covers over her body, trying to avoid the far left side of the bed where Seth sat with his back against the lime green wall. "No Eddie! You promised me you'd help me shop for an outfit for the party tonight." Seth pleaded. "I promised no such thing, I think I'd remember saying I would go shopping with you, ECSPECIALLY since I hate having to walk around a large stupid mall with all those retards mocking me because I'm not wearing the latest 'IT' clothes." Eddie responded pulling the covers over her face to avoid the sunlight seeping in though the window in front of her. Seth scratched his shaggy brown hair and thought for a moment how to get Eddie to shop with him "I'll get you a carton of cigarettes." Eddie laid still for a moment; Seth bit his thin bottom lip hoping the bribe worked as well as it did in the past, and like all the other times, Eddie pulled the covers off and walked over to her dirty clothes infested couch and picked up the first few items on the top with one hand and pulled her long greasy brown hair back with the other. "But I'm not taking a shower! You have to deal with my greasy ass."

"Do I have to go inside? I don't mind sitting out here while you shop, or I can even just wait in your car..." Eddie said while taking the last hit off her cigarette and putting it out in the sand ashtray near her. "A deal is a deal, you have to go in and help me." Seth grabbed Eddie's thin wrist and began pulling her inside "But why do I have to help you? It's not like I have any sense of fashion, I just shop at wal-mart and the internet." Eddie said as she threw a tantrum like a five year old. "Because you're my best friend! That and because Nikki will be at the party and you know what kind of guys she likes." Seth continued to pull Eddie inside. "She likes whatever guy is nearby after a few WINECOOLERS and a line of coke!" Eddie blurted out as she got into the building. "That's no way to talk about your step sister!" Seth chuckled. "FORMER step sister dick, her whore of a mother left my father because he wouldn't waste the little money he had on her stupid requests, like a tit job." Seth saw the anger in Eddies face and quickly changed the subject. "So what store should we start with?" Seth said in a cheerfully nervous voice. "Who cares, this place is a fucking wasteland. Every store here has its group of idiots nearby to mock you if you walk in the store, and then theirs the retards that crack stupid jokes about the way you look if you DON'T go in the store, it truly would be a lose lose situation if you cared what people thought of you, which sadly, I don't." Eddie ranted as she tipped her sunglasses to see the groups of idiotic sheep hop around making asses of themselves. "Well, you seem to be in a good mood today..." Seth said sarcastically as he took Eddie's sunglasses off her face and put them in his pocket. "Get off my ass Seth. I didn't get off work till two in the morning and had to walk my happy ass two miles because my father didn't answer the phone and I know if I called you your mother would have freaked because how late it was. By the time I got home it was past three and I passed out looking forward to sleeping my Saturday away but no, instead I'm at a fucking mall with you being forced to help find you an outfit to get the attention of a girl that would fuck anything with a dick." Seth stood silent for a moment "...I guess you going to the party tonight is a negative then?" Seth poked Eddie's side jokingly to cheer her up. Eddie let out a sigh and began to walk forward, Seth trailed close behind looking at what Eddie was wearing, A long black wife beater with a few crusty stains here and there from food, a pair of boys jeans that were cut at the bottom due to her being so short that they would drag and make her trip and her favorite shoes that costed her five dollars and looked like she'd have to pay someone just to wear them; He had to admit, she had balls to look so trashy in public.

"Oh lets look in Spencer's they have funny shirts!" Seth blurted out in pure joy "Only stoners and twelve year old "REBELS" shop there to laugh at the childish shirts and then stand in awe over at the black lights and poster area." Seth looked back at Spencer's depressed but carried on with Eddie. "Ok...how about Hollister? They have some nice clothes." Seth Suggested " Oh please, give me a break, only moronic sluts who starve themselves to fit in size zero pants that come already holed up and discolored to give you that of ' I paid forty dollars for these pants, sure, but they make me look like I don't care and I'm a surfer kid.' shop there, Same goes for those 'METROSEXUAL' guys who check out their own asses to make sure it doesn't look fat in those tight fitting jeans or shorts." Seth sighed, why he thought going to the mall with Eddie would be fun is now a mystery even to him. "Fine how about Hot Topic?" Eddie let out a laugh that startled Seth "Hot Topic Seth? HOT TOPIC? That is the worst of them all! All the little 'Skaters, Punks, Goths, Emo kids' or whatever they call themselves gathering in a store to mock each other claiming the person next to them is a POSER for looking at a simple plan shirt while he or she looks for the coolest new Green Day shirt that will show all those posers how hardcore he or she is. While on the other side of the store a girl with HORRIBLY dyed black hair is looking for the sixty dollar pants that her friend with puke green hair bought so she can get them and PROVE to the world that she is a weird, unique, freak and just completely different from everyone else! Including the other thousands of kids out there wearing the same pants as her! Oh, and of course you can't forget the people buying those wristbands with FUNNY pictures on them so people know they are cool and goofy at the same time. But luckily for the fat fucks of the world Torrid, the Hot Topic for fat asses is here so now even the morbidly obese can look SEXY in their short shirts and skirts, letting all their excess fat that is almost eighty-five percent of their bodies hang out IN STYLE and feel confident enough to hit on guys one eighth their size!" Seth was dumbfounded by Eddie's words. "PUT SOME FUCKING PANTS ON FATTIE!" Eddie shouts at an obese teenager in a yellow plaid skirt walking out of Torrid alone. Seth rushes up to Eddie and grabs her arm and pulls her to the nearest exit and forces her to sit on the bent outside. "Eddie! What the fuck!? Chill the FUCK out and smoke a cigarette!" Eddie rubbed her temples and sighed "Yeah, Good idea..."

"What the fuck was that all about Eddie I mean I know you hate being around people but you don't need to make everyone else miserable!" Seth paced back and forth in front of the bench Eddie sat on. "I'm sorry, I was having a nix fit, plus you know, I'm a cunt." Eddie let out a small laugh to show Seth she was better. Seth sighed and plopped down on the bench next to Eddie "Sometimes I just fucking hate you Eddie..." Seth muttered while looking down at the ground under his feet. "I hate myself too, but I love youuu" Eddie jokingly said to lighten the mood as she poked Seth's small gut. Seth smiled and looked over to Eddie "Enough to go to the party tonight?" "FUCK NO!" Eddie shouted with disgust written all over her face. Seth looked at her and widened his eyes knowing she is completely under his control when she looks at his sparkling green eyes. "Come on Eddie it will be fun!" Eddie stared into Seth's eyes and felt her lips move "...fine..." She heard herself saying. Seth patted Eddies head "GOOD!" He said cheerfully. "FUCK! You did it again! You know I can't say no when I look at your eyes. I hate you." Eddie groans as she took another hit from her cigarette. "But I'm not going back in there, I'm telling you that much, that fattie probably got all her Torrid minions and they are waiting for me to come back inside to sit on me because if they come in the sun it will make their fat sizzle like bacon..." "EDDIE!" Seth hated it when Eddie made fun of people, it always make him feel bad for them. "Fuck you too. Lets go, I need to scrub the stink of idiots off me."

"Eddie I still don't have anything to wear tonight!" Seth shouted from Eddie's room to the bathroom. "You have a lot of clothes dude; why not just wear something you already OWN?" Eddie said as she walked into her room in a towel and headed toward the couch with the pile of clothes. "Because I want to look good tonight, everyone will be there." Seth replied in hopes that Eddie would give him advice. "Eddie, are you even listening to me?" Seth sternly asked. Eddie picked up a pair of black pants from the pile and took a whiff to see if it was clean. "Do these smell clean or dirty?" Eddie asked as she threw the pants to Seth. "Eddie!" "What? They smell THAT bad? Fine, I'll find a different pair." Eddie replied digging deeper into the pile. Seth sighed and glared at Eddie "If it's that important I'll go with you YET AGAIN to get you an outfit, BUT! We have to be in an outside area and not be surrounded by people." Seth smiled graciously "Thanks Eddie" "Whatever, you know the drill, turn around while I change." Eddie demanded. Seth turned and faced the wall as Eddie got dressed. "So what are you going to wear to the party?" Seth asked grinning knowing what was going to happen next. "You don't really expect me to go do you?" Eddie groaned while putting a Hemp colored long sleeved "Pink Floyd - The Wall" shirt on. "You said you would, Deal with it!" Seth looked up at the lime green wall with all Eddies pictures, very few had her in it, and most of the ones that did she looked miserable or angry, except one. It was Seth's favorite picture of her, it was them a year ago when they were juniors in school, Seth had brought a camera to school that day and during lunch period they snuck off behind the building so she could smoke a cigarette. They were sitting against a big brick wall and Seth had taken out his camera. Eddie like always refused to take a picture but somehow Seth talked her into it and right as he was about to take the picture Seth licked Eddies cheek making her laugh. He always thought Eddie looked beautiful when she smiled, she loved his eyes and he loved her smile... "Earth to Seth!" Eddie shouted trying to get Seth's attention. Seth turned fast and saw Eddie pants-less; he blushed and turned back around fast "OH! SORRY!" Eddie sighed "Throw those pants back, I'm wearing them." Seth looked at the pants with a grimace; He threw them back to her. "Oh stop, they don't smell that bad!" Seth rolled his eyes waiting for Eddie to finish so they could leave.

"Jesus Eddie! You just put out a cigarette not even a minute ago!" Seth bitched while driving. "Yeah, So? I put it out because I SMOKED it all, so now I will SMOKE this one!" Eddie leaned back in her passenger seat and put her feet up on the dashboard, leaning to the left just to get her nasty old bowler shoes in Seth's vision. "On come on! I wouldn't treat your car like that if you had one!" Seth said while slapping Eddies feet down. "Yeah, well if I had a car you could treat it any way you damn well please because you'd be the one DRIVING it! No way in hell would I drive, I'd die within ten minutes behind the wheel!" Eddie said while leaning towards the CD player to pop in a new CD, she looked at the two CD's in her hand "Cat Stevens or Jack off Jill?" Eddie asked. "Jack off Jill, but Eddie, I'm just trying to say, you have no respect for poor old Diane, Just because she isn't the best car doesn't mean you can just totally disregard her feelings" Seth patted the car happily showing his love for it. Eddie rolled her eyes and popped in Cat Stevens just to annoy Seth "Get over it Seth. DIANE is a piece of shit and you KNOW it, for fuck sake, you paid more on this CD player than the car! She is like an old toothless whore, everyone's been in it and NO ONE enjoyed it! FUCK YOU DIANE!" Eddie shouted out as she blasted the music. "Fuck you Eddie; you're such a cunt, sometimes I wonder why we are even friends!" Seth shouted over the music. "Oh harsh! Get over it, you know you love being my friend and you know why SETHY-POO?" Seth cringed at being called Sethy-poo. "Why is that EDNA?" Seth knew calling Eddie by her real name would piss her off. "BECAUSE YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME! And fuck you for calling me Edna, I was going to give you a hand job but you blew it fag!" Eddie and Seth laughed and continued to drive to bayside mall while Eddie sang alone to "Sad Lisa".

"Oh joy. We've arrived." Eddie said sarcastically. "Hey you chose this one; it's all outdoor so you can fill your lungs with that tar while we look for a good store to go into..." Eddie snarled at Seth for the smoking remark. "I've been smoking since I was ten, I've been your friend since I was eleven, in all fairness, they were here first. Besides you buy them for me half the time now." Eddie loved starting fights with Seth; she loved how she always won. Seth signed deeply while they walked around looking at stores. "I only get them for you so you don't turn your bitch switch on, besides, not my fault I'm older than you." Seth grinned waiting for Eddie's comeback, He loved to fight with Eddie, but he would never let her know that, he also would never let her know he always let her win. "Oh mister big shot a whole sixteen months older than me! Just you wait, when I turn eighteen I will never have to hang out with you again!" Eddie walked faster to keep up with Seth; she always hated how he walked fast. "Well I won't be known as the kid who hangs out with the smart weird chick anymore finally." "What do you think I WANTED to skip 5th grade?" Eddie waited for Seth's comeback when she noticed he stopped walking and was looking in a shop. Eddie looked in the shop and saw Nikki inside with another girl looking at a whorishly short red dress. Eddie rolled her eyes and grunted knowing Seth would make her go inside. "We have to go inside." Seth said grabbing Eddie's skinny wrist making her drop her cigarettes as he pulled her in.

Nikki looked at the door and faked a sweet smile. "Eddie, you left the house, that's surprising." Nikki looked over at Seth who was smiling staring back. "Oh, and you brought your boyfriend, Sam was it?" She asked still looking at Seth. "Um, no, it's Seth, but you call me Sam if you'd like, and I'm not her boyfriend we are just friends." Eddie rolled her eyes wishing to be shot in the head before she would have to talk. Eddie paused. "Hey Nikki...I'm here to help Seth find an outfit for the party tonight." Nikki took her eyes off Seth and glanced over at Eddie, then around the shop, obviously hinting the store is just women's clothing. "Oh and I'm here to help Eddie find an outfit for the party too!" Eddie looked over to Seth giving him a look of surprising shock, Seth looked into Eddies eyes as to plead for her to agree, She knew she wanted to say no but his eyes hypnotized her into nodding, agreeing with what Seth said. "Oh, really? You're going? It's just one surprise after another with you Eddie." Nikki looked at Eddie and paused. "Oh how rude of me, Seth, Eddie, This is my Friend Tuesday you remember her right?" Tuesday faked a half smile and glared at Eddie, Last time Eddie saw Tuesday was two years back when Nikki and her mother still lived with her, She had a flashback moment of thought of when Tuesday and Nikki Chopped off most of her hair while she slept. Eddie returned the glare. A moment of silence roamed the air till Nikki finally broke it. "So what kind of outfit are you looking for Eddie? This store has a wide selection to choose from." It was at that point Eddie realized that the store had nothing but whorish clothing; she looked up at Seth waiting for him to save her from this disaster waiting to happen only to see him zoned out eye-humping Nikki. Eddie swallowed her pride "I don't know as of yet, we're just browsing." Nikki nodded and motioned for Tuesday to say something to make the situation more enjoyable for herself. "Hey Eddie, How about I help you find something? I promise to find you something good." Tuesday said as she grabbed Eddies arm to walk her to another area. Eddie held her ground from being moved "No it's really ok, Seth and I-" Eddie got out before Tuesday dragged her away from Seth and Nikki "Nonsense, come along, I will help, Seth can help Nikki out instead." Eddie looked over to Seth praying for him to say something to save her from this situation only to see Seth happily smiling at Nikki while she began asking about the red dress she picked out.

"I'm not coming out." Eddie said angrily as she stood in the dressing room looking at herself in the mirror, Tuesday had forced her to try on a few outfits she knew in any other situation she'd spit on and hit the person making her do such a disgusting thing as wearing these clothes, but she kept her cool for the sake of Seth. "Oh come on, I'm sure you look cute in it!" Tuesday said grinning enjoying the torture she was putting Eddie through. Eddie took another glance at herself, She wore a short strapless black silk dress with glittery red rose patterns on the upper part making it even more obvious that her breasts, as small as they were, were too much for this dress that was created so flat chested girls felt a little more confident about their rail shaped bodies, It obviously, left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Eddie sighed and held in her anger and opened the dressing room door looking at Tuesday with a look of homicidal tenancies on her face. Tuesday looked at Eddie and to her surprise Eddie actually looked decent in the dress, she quickly shook the thought and bit her lip "You look good, but your shoes ruin it completely." Eddie looked down at her shoes, her favorite bowler shoes with the holes and rips exposing her dirtied once white socks that should have been thrown away months ago. Eddie looked back up at Tuesday who was now examining her face "That and it wouldn't kill you to have some make up on, your eyes would stand out more with some eyeliner and your lips would look much better with a little bit of lip gloss." Eddie snarled and was about to close the door again to get out of the hideous dress when Tuesday stopped her and pushed the door open motioning for Nikki and Seth to come and look, Tuesday knew this would enrage Eddie more, giving her the reason to do it. "Nikki don't you agree Eddie would look much better with make-up?" Tuesday took a step back to be side by side with Nikki. Eddie's hand gripped on the door handle and slammed it shut to end the staring. She Peeled the Dress off and jumped back in her clothes in a record time and rushed outside and lit up a cigarette as Nikki, Tuesday and Seth all watched her turn facing the glass that was between them then flick them all off. Nikki and Tuesday rolled their eyes and turned back around and went back to talking while Seth stood there thinking about how Eddie looked in the dress.

"Don't go back in there...just smoke another cigarette, and after that one, smoke another fucker..." Eddie said under her breath while she took another cigarette out of her pack and put it against her lips. She was about to light it when the door to the store opened, she looked up hoping it was Seth so she could leave. "Eddie, put the cigarette away." Tuesday stood in front of Eddie with her hands crossed. Eddie rolled her eyes and still lit it, not caring what Tuesday said. "Get off my ass." Eddie mumbled as she took a hit. "Get off your ass? I'm trying to help you!" Tuesday snapped. Eddie looked at Tuesday with a chuckle of disbelief "Help me? How are you HELPING me? I came here to help Seth, that's it. I don't even see why I'm talking to you, you're a complete cunt and I've hated you since the day I met you." Eddie sighed deeply as she spoke the words to Tuesday. "Trust me, the feelings are the same on this side, but I'm at least TRYING to get along with you for the sake of Nikki, I've come out here to make a deal with you." Eddie looked at Tuesday curious what she was rambling on about. "A deal?" "Yes, a deal. Nikki seems to like your little boyfriend and I being a great best friend that I am will do anything to make Nikki happy, so I'd like it if you help me hook them up at the party tonight. In return for your help I will make you look presentable for the party." Eddie laughed at Tuesday ridiculous offer. "We don't need to interfere, Seth has been in love with Nikki since he was fifteen, and as for your generous offer, I will have to decline. I don't even want to go to the party, let along get all slutted up for it." Tuesday rolled her eyes "You idiot, I know he likes her, He doesn't hide the fact much, what I mean by helping me hook them up is for YOU not to hang out with him tonight and keep out of his hair so that he can enjoy the night with Nikki and maybe get lucky for the first time in his pathetic life. And as for you getting 'slutted up' for the party, it may not be such a bad idea Hun. Think about it, guys may actually want to talk to you for once, and for one night, you will actually have a face, people will talk to you and seek your attention and you will be, dare I say, POPULAR for a few hours." Eddie thought about the words Tuesday spoke, she would usually in a situation tell the person to fuck off but something get to her with what Tuesday said. Eddie would actually be seen as a person, she wouldn't be the weird smart chick, no, she would be Eddie even if it was because of the way she dressed that night. Tuesday waited for Eddie's answer but figured it out by the look on Eddie's face. Tuesday smiled knowing it would work. "Good, now this is what is going to happen, go in there and tell Seth you can't go because you feel sick, I will tell him I will drive you home and I will be back at seven, Get you ready and give you a ride to the party. But you HAVE to stay away from Seth no matter what, he can't know your there or else he may run off with you like the obedient fucking dog he is, is this all clear?" Eddie looked down at the ground with her cigarette in hand. "Perfectly clear." Eddie mumbled as she brought her cigarette to her lips to finish it, then to go inside and lie to her only friend.

Eddie sat silently in her living room watching the news when she heard a knock on the door. She looked over toward the clock above the twenty inch TV "Seven on the dot." Eddie sighed as she got up and walked over to the door and opened it to see a smiling Tuesday with two bags in hand. Eddie gestured for Tuesday to come in her home. Tuesday took a look around; it looked no different than the apartment did two years ago, still small and still bare. "Whereas you're Dad?" Tuesday asked curiously as she walked toward Eddie's room. "I'm guessing his whores place, seeing as how He is still M.I.A after a whole day." Eddie didn't really care where her father was, she didn't even know half the time anyways. They had a very weak relationship together, Only times they'd talk or anything was the nights Eddie worked late and needed him to pick her up or in the morning when they sat together sipping their coffee and smoking; Eddie's father was a very laid back man, He never shouted or got angry, He didn't care enough to. Whenever Eddie got in trouble at school for fighting verbally or physically he would just nod it off and forget the situation. Eddie's father angered her for the fact that he knew nothing about her, All he knew was Eddie worked at a twenty-four hour Wal-Mart, She had been a chain-smoker since sixth grade and that she liked her coffee black, he didn't care enough to know anything else. "Eddie. Did you hear me? Let's get started." Tuesday looked at Eddie waiting for her to snap back into reality, Eddie turned and looked at Tuesday and nodded, heading over to her room with Tuesday to get ready.

"Stop twitching!" Tuesday demanded while attempting to put eyeliner on Eddie, but every time Tuesday touched Eddie with the pencil her eyes would twitch making Tuesday mess up. "Is this shit really necessary?" Eddie sat on the floor with her head tilted up looking up at Tuesday who was on her knees hovering over Eddie's face still trying to put Eyeliner on her. "Yes it's necessary! It will make your eyes look much better now just hold still!" Eddie grunted and looked up again and tried her best not to flinch till Tuesday was done. A few moments later Tuesday had successfully gotten Eyeliner on Eddie. "It looks good." Tuesday said handing Eddie a mirror to look at herself. Eddie nodded in approval with a look of regret on her face. She still couldn't believe that she was allowing Tuesday to do this to her. "Now I brought a few outfits, because I know you don't have anything good, now let's see what would look best on you." Tuesday pulled one of the bags she brought over toward Eddie and herself and began to empty it. Eddie looked at the clothes with a grimace on her face. Tuesday noticed the expression and sighed deeply "Listen, you agreed to this, now just pick an outfit." Eddie looked at the clothes in front of her; all were dresses except for a few skirts and shirts. Eddie looked at the pile looking for the least skimpy looking item. She picked up a knee length plain black dress, much like the one she had tried on in the store, except without the roses and it was slightly longer. Tuesday rolled her eyes figuring Eddie would pick out the plain-Jane looking dress. Tuesday grabbed it out of Eddie's hands and threw it behind her back limiting Eddie's choices more. Eddie looked at Tuesday uneasy with the decision she would have to make.


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Comments by other Members

choille at 19:49 on 27 March 2005  Report this post
I can not read all of it at the moment, but what I have read is very readable and you may wish to continue it. You are obviously serious about writing and will go far. I know nothing so my comments are worth zilch, but I would personaly like to see this written with each new piece of dialogue given a fresh line- maybe even indented- an inch or so in from the margin. For me this tends to pace the story and give my tiny brain a simpler way to sort out who is speaking-it clarifies it for me. This is maybe a personal opinion & other folks may not agree. I think you are to be envied that you can get down this amount of prose after not writing for a while. ( you mentioned that you had blocked. ) I think you will move on at a quick pace and will be a star.

for all the use my comments are I wish you the bestest.

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