Temenos Academy Review
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Address: | PO Box 203, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5ZT 01233 813663 |
Web site : http://www.temenosacademy.org/temenos_journal.html Email : Not available Contact: |
Keywords associated with this entry :
poetry, general.
Useful Information :
'The Temenos Academy Review is the journal of the Temenos Academy and is the successor to Temenos, founded by Keith Critchlow, Brian Keeble, Kathleen Raine and Philip Sherrard, which was first published in 1981 and reached its thirteenth and final issue in 1992. The Review comprises a mixture of papers given at the Academy and new work, including poetry, art, and reviews.The Temenos Academy Review is edited by John Carey and James Harpur.'
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