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Address: | White Rose House, 8, Newmarket Road, Fordham, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5LL |
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Keywords associated with this entry :
poetry, general.
Useful Information :
'It has been a while since I last wrote to you all and in that time, quite a lot has been happening. You may have noticed that the Spring issue is not out yet, although it will be very, very soon. We have been having production problems for a while and we have also noticed some problems with the delivery of the Winter 2012 which we are trying to resolve asap. With the mounting cost of production and postage, it has been a time of great reflection for us.
May 2014 - website unavailable
Because of these problems, and due to my personal situation, it is with great sadness that I announce that the four 2013 issues of Inclement will be its last. I am very proud of what we have achieved over the last thirteen years and will be eternally grateful for the friendship, support and incredible poetry of all who have contributed to Inclement.'
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