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Open Media

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Address:The Mews Studio,
8 Addison Bridge Place,
W14 8XP0 20 7603 9029
Fax: 020 7603 9171
  Web site : http://www.openmedia.co.uk/
Email : contact@openmedia.co.uk

Keywords associated with this entry :
TV, entertainment, corporate

Useful Information :
'Best known for the discussion programme After Dark, Open Media has produced over 400 hours of television for all the main UK network broadcasters, making entertainment series and factual specials which have sold all over the world, as well as being responsible for high-quality communications and corporate media for some of Britain's most important businesses. Top TV professionals work on Open Media programmes and campaigns.'

Pageviews: 2027

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Last checked: 17/07/2017

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