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Tenebris Books

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Address:via website   Web site : http://www.tenebrisbooks.com/
Email : submissions@tenebrisbooks.com

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, dark, strange, tales,

Useful Information :
Imprint of Grimbold Books

'Tenebris Books is an international publishing imprint of Holland House Books. We publish high quality fiction with a dark side. From middle grade, through young and new adult to adult fiction, we're looking for dark tales that unnerve, disorient and give the good, old-fashioned creeps.

We are a full-service publisher, not a vanity press; we do not take payment of any kind from our authors apart from royalties on sales – and our terms are not bettered anywhere. We are extremely choosy and are expecting to release only a select few titles each year. We will select the best we can find and focus on them individually.

Our authors can expect professional copyediting, proofreading, cover design and we aim to work together with our authors to market our books.'

Pageviews: 1655

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Last checked: 20/09/2017

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