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Short Books (Publishers)

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Address:15, Highbury Terrace,
020 7226 1607
Fax 020 7226 4169
  Web site : http://www.theshortbookco.com
Email : rebecca@sbco.demon.co.uk

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, biography, academic, history, skills, journalism, children's.

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
'Founded in 2001 by former journalists Rebecca Nicolson and Aurea Carpenter, Short Books has established itself as a publisher of first-class, entertaining non-fiction. Notable successes have included bestselling Amo, amas, amat... And all that by Harry Mount, How to be a bad Birdwatcher by Simon Barnes, The Good Granny Guide by Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall and Change the World for a Fiver.

In 2008, Short Books launched its fiction list, which is growing year on year.'

Feb 2014 - 'domain sale' Same 2015 - seems ok Feb 2016 - Feb 2017 - 'pending verification' - Feb - site not relevant - presumed defunct.

Pageviews: 11385

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Last checked: 09/02/2018

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