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Magi Publications (Publishers)

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Address:1, The Coda Centre,
189 Munster Road,
020 7385 6333
Fax 020 7385 7333
  Web site : http://www.littletigerpress.com
Email : Not available

Keywords associated with this entry :
fiction, children's, picture, books, novelty.

Recommended Method of Approach:
Phone Call Letter Synopsis Sample Chapters Full text SAE

Useful Information :
'Little Tiger Press is an imprint of Magi Publications, a creatively led, independent company publishing children’s books. Our focus is on contemporary and innovative books – warm, bright, bold and appealing reads that are fun for children and for adults. We seek out the best fresh talent in illustration and writing, developing great new ideas and styles. We combine excellent quality with affordable prices and blend humour, drama and imagination to educate and inspire our young readers.'

March 2018 - website unavailable

Pageviews: 18146

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Last checked: 01/03/2018

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