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  • how to write and make money writing course
    by Suzy at 21:58 on 22 February 2012


    Join us on Monday 27th February 8pm on Monday night for a free teleclass on HOW TO WRITE AND MAKE MONEY with our Big Writing School STAR STUDDED PANEL:

    Oscar nominated screenwriter Shah Husain
    Features editor of Psychologies Magazine Anita Chaudhuri
    Top ten award winning blogger, author and entrepreneur Erica Douglas
    Awardwinning author of over 20 books, journalist and ‘inspirational’ business mum of the year Antonia Chitty

    In Monday’s free teleclass at 8pm, we will be joined by a handful of our writing mentors from our Big Writing School and you will be free to ask them how do they do that?

    How do they make good money from writing?
    How can you make good money from writing?
    Where’s the best place to start?
    What’s a realistic estimate of how much you can earn from your writing in the first 6 months?
    When can you give up your day job?
    What must you NOT do?
    What are the secrets to getting published – and making money- fast?
    How can you make money from blogging?

    On Monday night, you have chance to hang out with and ask the questions that you always wanted to ask but never dared.
