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  • Wordpress et al
    by Desormais at 15:17 on 16 February 2011
    I'd like to have a facility where, when I have to produce a bio for ezines, I can just refer to a personal blog/website where information about previous work published can be collated, together with any other information I would like to put in the public domain. I'm not the world's most patient person when it comes to technology, though I'm not a duffer (I would say.)

    Has anybody used Wordpress, which is getting a reasonable write-up in this month's Writing Magazine? Any alternatives to recommend?

  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Account Closed at 23:22 on 16 February 2011
    I use wordpress, and it isn't difficult. Blogger is easier. I'm not a duffer either, but I started as a complete beginner and am self taught. You'll be able to work out wordpress on your own and there's loads you can do with it. But blogger is catching up and the dashboard is a bit simpler. It also integrates very nicely with google and the rest of the google apps, which might be important to you.

    However, editors of magazines, print or online, would not (in my experience) appreciate being given a link to a blog when they ask for some bio. In many ways, bio should be tailored to the publication - some like it fulsome and academic, some like it short and quirky - they all have different length requirements and you'll want to emphasise different aspects depending on your target audience.

    So while I think blogging and websites are brilliant ideas generally (and I have a fairly comprehensive bio on mine) it isn't ever going to get you out of the task of providing bio.

  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Desormais at 18:08 on 17 February 2011
    Thanks for responding J.

    I wasn't thinking of substituting the webpage for a bio, just using to to enable anyone interested to see more of my published work, all in one place instead of being referred to different sources.

    I've spent this afternoon working my way through Wordpress, and I've got something very basic up and running. It's certainly do-able, though I've found it to be a bit slow to be honest, which adds to the frustration. I'll keep at it though - it's been an interesting afternoon and the interaction with other Google apps is a real benefit.

    Thanks again.
  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by johnjames92 at 00:49 on 18 February 2011
    In terms of following web rules and W3C standards, word press is definitely the best. http://www.magnatewebdesigns.co.uk
  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by clyroroberts at 13:05 on 18 February 2011
    If you're looking for simplicity then Tumblr would be my choice. It integrates very well with smart phones too.
  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Desormais at 18:41 on 18 February 2011
    Thanks John and James. So far things are going reasonably well with Wordpress. I'd not heard of Tumblr, so might have a look at that if things go downhill. I'm finding inserting photos a bit torturous, particularly where there is associated text but I'm still plugging on.
  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Bunbry at 19:02 on 18 February 2011
    Hi Sandra, welcome to the world of Blogging, I find it great fun. I've been told that it is worthwhile for writers to have a blog. Make sure you post a link when you feel you are ready. On a personal note, I had a Wordpress blog and a Blogger blog, but couldn't 'get on' with the wordpress one. I'm not good with computers so that probably explains it, but Blogger is very easy, even for a dunce like me!

  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Desormais at 19:11 on 18 February 2011
    Hi Nick,

    Once I've got this running to meet my basic requirements, I might try setting up an alternative to see what the difference is. I certainly wouldn't be able to manage with anything more complicated than Wordpress.

  • Re: Wordpress et al
    by Desormais at 10:23 on 23 February 2011
    A week has gone by now since I started from scratch on this, and I'm reasonably pleased with the progress so far. I'm sure there are easier applications, but I'm getting used to it now. I set it up as a trial run, and now I'm considering whether to start again, using perhaps a more adventurous template. Perhaps though, I haven't yet unravelled all the possibilities of this template.

    It would be helpful to have some feedback via WW email if anyone has the time to view the site at


    It's a dual purpose site, covering writing and travelling,(for my friends in the boating community who may appreciate the trip reports/photos I am in the process of uploading) and as I say, still under construction.

    All comments gratefully received.