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  • Don`t knock your own writing!
    by Anna Reynolds at 14:16 on 25 April 2003
    A general plea- when you're introducing your work on the site, it's best not to tell us what to think before we've read it- it's a typical writer's trait to do this, saying 'This is awful, but....' or even worse- 'This is hilarious..' Let us make up our own minds! I say this because it can put readers off. It does to me. We're all different- all respond differently. Telling me it's funny or awful or whatever has then put that thought in my head. Let the work speak for itself.
  • Re: Don`t knock your own writing!
    by Account Closed at 14:35 on 25 April 2003
    I think a lot of it has to do with modesty. You write something decent, and in anticipation of it being critically torn apart, you pre-empt the critics by saying that you thought it was sub-standard yourself.

    Of course, they say that everyone in life will try to put you down, so there is no point doing so yourself...
  • Re: Don`t knock your own writing!
    by Rosalind at 14:36 on 25 April 2003
    Oops Sorry

  • Re: Don`t knock your own writing!
    by Anna Reynolds at 15:05 on 25 April 2003
    Not having a go at anyone Rosalind- just the opposite! It's taken me years to stop the habit myself. I think one of the delights of having a site like this that is generally very supportive etc is that we can discuss these things that are common to writers. Of course, you're right, Insane, it's a way of anticipating knockbacks, but grrrr.... it's a good habit to get out of. I also do think, though, that hyping one's work up is just as pointless- The work on the site is also generally pretty damn good but it's always going to come down to our personal opinions, isn't it?