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Random Read

  • Do you want to read or be read?
    by GaiusCoffey at 09:27 on 25 January 2013
    Following on from this; http://www.writewords.org.uk/groups/202_433431.asp

    Is the whole ms group viable in any case? Or, rather, please can I have a head count of anybody in WW - whether or not they are in the group - who fall into any of these two categories (please specify, you can be both);

    1. You have a manuscript that is (or is nearly) ready for beta reading
    2. You would like to volunteer as a beta reader

  • Re: Do you want to read or be read?
    by MartinEx at 11:55 on 25 January 2013
    I can be a 2 but not a 1 if anyone's interested.

    I'm an English grad with a Writing MA and teaching experience. Would probably not be the best person to critique genre fiction as I don't read a huge amount of it and wouldn't be able to comment effectively on adherence to the genre conventions but could give 'general' feedback. Would be happier to read one chapter (ideally opening) than whole MS.
  • Re: Do you want to read or be read?
    by GaiusCoffey at 14:54 on 25 January 2013
    Thanks, Martin