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This 80 message thread spans 6 pages:  < <   1   2   3   4  5  6  > >  
  • Re: Is it me?
    by Ralph at 18:17 on 17 February 2004
    Blimey - I'm pooped out with all this digging. And my spade's a right off now - can I borrow yours TC? Still haven't found Richard's bones...

    Nell, I'm going to have to dust the memory cells down a bit here. Was it you who suggested that site a while back on one of these forum posts? I love it... Also love your theory about Hamlet in "Solitary Pleasures". Very convincing.
    I still think some of it was written by a woman though... but no, it doesn't matter...

    And Dee, you've really touched me. I wasn't aware that I had any finer feelings... I'm always grimly aware of the not so fine ones...

    And is it just me, or is this particular forum turning out to be infinitely more revealing than anyone's profile?

    Huggs to all

  • Re: Is it me?
    by tinyclanger at 18:30 on 17 February 2004
    Well....i don't lend my spade to just anyone you know...(eyes Ralphette's spade carefully for signs of mistreatment. Finds none.) Oh go on then!

    You know, This always happens to me, (no, not people borrowing my spade), this. I ask sensibly about security thingies for my Mac. IB repiles sensibly, and in words even I can understand, telling me what I need. I trot off like a good 'un and try to follow instructions...
    Several hours later after visiting multiple websites, attempting various downloads that don't work, I sit with rather confused expression on my face wondering if I am the only person in the world who CAN"T BLOODY SODDIN" WELL DO THIS ! Sorry, Len, but I just have to:

    I'm off back under the bed. Decided spiders aren't so bad after all.

    Feeling very glum.
    Doubts even one of Wordy's scones would cheer her up..two might bring a whisper of a smile, tho..
  • Re: Is it me?
    by olebut at 18:47 on 17 February 2004
    Tinyclanger a message from the soup dragon, @ dont get despondant things sometimes are a bit more difficult with a mac but I have a good friend who has a mac and I will speak to them in the next day or so and enquire which downloads they use.


    I seem to have lumbered you with a suffix sorry

    take care


  • Re: Is it me?
    by Nell at 18:53 on 17 February 2004
    Yes, Ralph, 'twas me, it's my hobby-horse. It seems there's so much evidence for Edward de Vere being the author of Shakespeare's works - maybe it shouldn't matter who wrote them, but all I can think of is the injustice of it all. (Hate injustice.)
  • Re: Is it me?
    by Ralph at 19:08 on 17 February 2004
    LOL. That's fine by me, David. I always thought the gender balance amongst the smurf community was a tad imbalanced, and am very proud to be contributing towards equality

    Thanks for the spade TC. Promise I'll look after it.
    Just had a quick flick through some anti-spyware sites, and it does seem to be much more of a challenge to get something Mac compatible. Then again, just to get away from Word and that blasted paperclip I think it's worth going for the apple... Willing to bet something will turn up. In the meantime, I hope that spider's being nice to you...

    Nell, your motives are so much more admirable than mine. I'm just out to demolish Stratford-upon-Avon's primary income (evil cackle worthy of Macbeth 1:1...)

    All the best


  • Re: Is it me?
    by olebut at 19:23 on 17 February 2004
    Ralph I see you aren't a thespian then

    hubble bubble toil and trouble.................

    damned scottish play will be the death of somebody

    as for Willy not writing the plays perhaps he was a cooperative and then he just nicked everything for himself, equally when the plays were performed the actors so we are told ad libbed and the scribe who wrote down the lines added their bit as well so that may account for the changes in style.

    let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings........

  • Re: Is it me?
    by Ralph at 19:34 on 17 February 2004
    I used to be a thespian. Then I moved to Stratford...
    Hmmm... that ought to be the opening to something

    Yes, you've just pinpointed exactly how much we don't need to know about an author to enjoy a piece of work, and yet how interesting it could be to find out...

    Actually, I think your sad story about the possible death of a queen was just as interesting... Thanks for that one.


  • Re: Is it me?
    by olebut at 19:59 on 17 February 2004

    and you said the M word shame on you

    no probs Stratford upon Avon wasn't somebody famous suppose dto have lived there? Anne something or other wasn't it


  • Re: Is it me?
    by tinyclanger at 20:23 on 17 February 2004
    thought ol' Will pinched all his stuff from Kit Marlowe, or am I hopelessley out of date with this debate? Frankly, don't much care who wrote them, tho' if a woman's in with a chance I'm on her side. Just imagine..

    Thanks Ole, for the sympathetic pat, and promise of advice. Apparently I probably don't need a firewall, cos I have the latest Mac OS which already has one, (natch!), but if your pal knows about ad-spy-thingies and anti-Virus stuff that'd be great.
    Now, this is kinda ironic...I think, I may be wrong, but I think...because I have "HIDDEN" my profile, you can't WW mail me...tee hee. 'Hoist by one's own' and all that. Oh, well, just bung any useful stuff on 'ere, Ole and I'll catch up with it. Ta v. muchly.

    How's the spade Ralphy? Nice lightweight one, with special anti-blister grip, too. You'll be able to dig away in complete comfort for hours. Er..what are we, I mean, you, digging for again?
    Oh, I do get so confused at times.

  • Re: Is it me?
    by word`s worth at 21:23 on 17 February 2004
    Well, what a bloody marvellous day I've had! Speak of the devils (hackers) and my bloody computer goes down...and yes I've got Norton schnorton installed and updated - for what it was worth! Had to do a restore system on the damned thing - lost everything new (my fault I neglected to backup last night) and now my modem is up the creek and won't let me connect. If you're wondering how come I'm here...I'm using my laptop.

    On top of this I got another rejection! I've had it with this - I'm going to hide in a cave far from civilisation and technology with nothing but a smiley for company to remind me of what used to be!

    I'm so peed off.

    My rant isn't even nearly over, but I'll do it elsewhere...probably in the vicinity of husband who should be home soon...

    For anyone who cares I'm not going to be around until Monday - so have a good week and weekend all (I hope they're better than mine!)

  • Re: Is it me?
    by Dee at 21:29 on 17 February 2004
    Have a good weekend, Nahed.

    Here - talking about Will - you heard his new single? Brill innit?

  • Re: Is it me?
    by Richardwest at 08:45 on 18 February 2004
    Tiny -- Not sure if this ought to be in a separate thread (members' tips for keeping their computers secure) but anyway. Go to Google, type in MAC FREEWARE, and see wot comes up -- there are plenty of specialist Mac sites so it's probably wiser to find them first and their software listings than t'other way around. Re firewalls: my PC has an XP firewall but I've disabled it -- ZoneAlarm is better because it's not Microsoft. Wordy: I used to have Norton. Horrendous. Now I use AVG anti virus (which has just automatically updated itself whilst I'm writing this). AVG is free to non-business users. I also use Mailwasher to stop email spamming. All of these are free (in fact, there's nothing on either of my computers which isn't freeware, and all of it works as well if not better than paid-for software. But where it's possible to make a donation to the developer -- as per Mailwasher, or Spybot, or the fantastic IrfanView image editor -- then I always do. Couple of dollars here or there is hardly an imposition. Must dash --

  • Re: Is it me?
    by tinyclanger at 09:13 on 18 February 2004
    Richard, I will have another go & Ole has given me some more info too. But I sem to find that even when I find Mac stuff and download it, something is always wrong..I tried to do Spybot and it d/l fine, but then when I went to open it, I got stuff about not having the correct programmes,(or something), and so I couldn't do anything with it. Still, I'll try again.
    I begin to think I'm cursed - my new flat HATES me, (Back door jammed, toilet not working, cooker not working, got locked OUT of the bathrom) I lost a ring that was my Nan's, (it's somewhere in the flat, but can I find it?) and now my Mac won't behave. Keep away from me folks, it mught be catching!
  • Re: Is it me?
    by Elsie at 22:58 on 18 February 2004
    Ooh, blimey, fashionably late for the party again..but, just wanted to say I was (previously) under the impression that
    1. I'm safe from viruses etc on a mac
    2. Ralph is a gay man

    Sorry Ralph, only realised when you said "Ralph scratches her head..' Doesn't really matter either way does it? But I might join TC under the bed now.. although she did say she was 'coming out' ; )
  • Re: Is it me?
    by tinyclanger at 09:15 on 19 February 2004
    Elsie arrives and the tone is immediately lowered! Well, done, that woman, what kept you?
    Under the bed is great, come and get down and dusty.

    I feel a bit left out if Macs can't get viruses. But if we did get them, they'd be great looking ones, all sleek and brushed aluminium and stuff..

    (not)Ralph has ben very quiet, and she's still got my spade. Found anything yet, (not)Ralph?

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