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  • Intimate moments
    by jim60 at 18:44 on 12 June 2009
    Okay, first off, I'm new here and I've probably gone off at a wrong angle again, but I do have a question.
    The Intimate moments group that I assume is for those people who write or even just like to read that type of written word. Me, I'll read just about anything, even cereal boxes, but I'm spouting off again.
    Is no one actually writing anything for that group?
    I may be wrong and I hope that someone will come up and correct me, so come on! Show me!
    (I've uploaded two pieces of work now and I don't want it to turn into the Jim Hewitt erotic show, that would be pretty horrible).
  • Re: Intimate moments
    by susieangela at 09:11 on 13 June 2009
    Hi Jim, and welcome!
    The Intimate Moments group has never been a 'group' as such, like the others - it was started as a place where people could drop in and post any scenes/chapters/stories of a sexual nature. More of a drop-in thing. At least, that's my understanding of it. Rather like the Synopsis and Outline group, where people drop in and post when they need to. It's fine to join any of the more lively/ongoing groups and post there, just adding the warning that there are scenes of a sexual nature. But Naomi will know more than me on this one and will doubtless steer you in the right direction.
  • Re: Intimate moments
    by NMott at 11:48 on 13 June 2009
    Susie's right. It was set up as somewhere for people to post their more intimate scenes, partly because they did not want to risk offending any members by posting the work in their own writing groups, and partly because it was felt that it would attract more cross-groups feedback from like-minded members, although, as Susie says, it is ok to post in your own group, so long as you flag up the sexual content.
    The group has gone a bit quiet in the intervening months, so it's best to post a link in the Introduce Your Work forum and in the topic section of your own writing group asking for feedback, otherwise it could be overlooked.

    - NaomiM
  • Re: Intimate moments
    by jim60 at 12:07 on 13 June 2009
    Thank you for your replies. Please don't think that I was having a moan or anything, it was just a question, even if perhaps it was a little stupid.
    Thanks Susie and Naomi for your replies, at least I kind of understand things a bit more. As I said, I'm new at this and no doubt there are gonna be places where I'm tripping myself up.
    So thanks again.
  • Re: Intimate moments
    by susieangela at 12:58 on 13 June 2009
    Certainly didn't think it was either a moan or stupid - t'was a good question!
  • Re: Intimate moments
    by NMott at 15:13 on 13 June 2009
    All questions are good, Jim. It didn't sound like a moan.

    - NaomiM


    Moans are allowed too.