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  • Err... Warning: Freshman on board!
    by Ali at 23:56 on 22 August 2003
    Hello people...

    I've just joined the group as a free trial. I'm not quiet sure what to do, you see I'm kinda new to all this. I'm a journalist and I'm just starting out as a writer, so there's alot for me to learn I guess.
    Just was wondering about how to approach getting published and if it is as difficult and hard as everybody else says?! How improtant it is to have an agent, and does every writer has to have one? Sorry if I'm so goofy with my questions!
    Oh and i've posed one of my short stories, hope you'd find the time to read it and give some feedback on it.

    Thank you, cheers.
    x x x
  • Re: Err... Warning: Freshman on board!
    by olebut at 07:32 on 23 August 2003

    welcome to the site I am sure once you have been here for a short while things will fall into place for you.

    Firstly my advice is to post a piece of work and give people a reasonable time dont be too impatient

    You will find that the critque will be helpful and well meant and I am sure will help you improve your writing.

    By the same token take the time to read others work and comment as you feel appropriate.

    Now the 64000 dollar question ref agents the answer appears to be yes no and possibly. Getting an agent is usually an achievment after along haul round all those you can find, there is advice on here about that I am sorry I cant remebr where you'll hav eto trawl round the forum pages .

    I know some writers who have been published have managed without an agent and have been lucky enough to find a publisher who will take them on, there apppears to be no hard and fats rule.

    the main thing is to keep writing and keep trying and listen to advice, the site experts on here are extremely helpful and sympathetic to our struggle to bring literary gems to the masses

    hope thsi helps a bit but otehrs willpost on here as well

    good luck

  • Re: Err... Warning: Freshman on board!
    by Ali at 01:09 on 27 August 2003
    Thanks for replying... guess it makes sense all you said up there and I'm going to follow your advise.
    But you see, as English is second language to me I find it a bit more difficult to be confident about my work. And it's really hard to find someone who would give their time away to read your work and be honest with their feedback.

  • Re: Err... Warning: Freshman on board!
    by danshaw at 15:40 on 29 August 2003
    I'm in the same situation as you. I was about to ask exactly the same questions before i saw this message board.

    I find it all a bit daunting having just given up on an advertising copywriting career to write my own stuff. I've just posted my first story on here as well - which was a bit scary in itself actually.

    Good luck finding an agent/publisher for your work, and if you come across a good one, let me know. I'm just about to start working my way down a long list of my own...

    As they all say, don't give up. One day people will pay millions for transcripts of message boards like these. It'll be the first printed evidence of 'those great writers before they were famous'
  • Re: Err... Warning: Freshman on board!
    by Ali at 21:49 on 29 August 2003
    Hmm.... now thats a comforting thought!