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  • Help much appreciated
    by edgarhoover at 02:04 on 30 January 2004
    Hi folks, I'm very new to all this and would be extremely grateful if somebody wouldn't mind answering some elementary questions that I have.

    1) Should I write using Microsoft word or another package? (How does the completed piece get from the author to the publisher??)
    2) Is the "NewNovelist" software package beneficial?
    3)What type of word length should my first book be hitting? (I'm thinking 'Nick Hornby' type lengths)
    4)How long is the acceptable/standard length for each paragraph
    5) I've got an idea for building my book around a 'real-life' pub in Birmingham. Where do I stand on being able to this?

    Thanks Edgar
  • Re: Help much appreciated
    by Anna Reynolds at 10:34 on 30 January 2004
    Edgar- when you send work to a publisher, most will request that you send work as a hard copy ie. on paper, although some will accept email attachments. Check the directory here and individual publishers websites for exact requirements- it's worth checking with each one you send to so you don't blow your chance. If it isn't exactly what they want- ie. a sample chapter, length restriction, etc- then oftn they won't read it at all. When you ask about Microsoft- in what way? It doesn't matter what your software is as long as the above is right.
    Same goes for NewNovelist- the only thing that's going to get you a headstart is an original writing voice.

    There's no standard book length or paragraph length- just take a look at a random assortment of new books, everything from very slim to saga-sized. Do you read contemporary fiction? It's probably a good idea to read as much as you can while writing- have a look at some of our interviews here, nearly every writer/agent/publisher can't stress this enough. The length of paragraphs and book will be the length you feel you need to write- and only you can and should decide that.

    Writing about a real place can be problematic- but there's no reason why you can't fictionalise things just enough to give some artistic licence and avoid any nastiness later on if you get to publishing stage. Good luck..
  • Re: Help much appreciated
    by word`s worth at 11:14 on 30 January 2004

    Just to add on to Anna's excellent advice.

    There are lots of How to books out there...How to Write Your First Novel, How to Get Published, How to write Fiction etc etc...I know you're a student and maybe on limited funds, but if you're serious about writing, then the right book to guide you along would be a great investment. Alternatively, there's lots of advice and information out on the internet - just google 'how to write' or 'getting published'. Of course advice from WriteWords is also a great starting point. Formatting is important. Read other books/novels to see the formatting style i.e. paragraph breaks, line spacing, margins, indents etc...

    I've been told that approx 70,000 - 100,000 words is the 'norm' for a novel - it is a novel you're writing yes?

    Good luck with it all.

  • Re: Help much appreciated
    by swandale at 12:06 on 30 January 2004
    A few months ago, I counted the average words on a line, lines on a page and pages in the book of a few of my books. Most of them came out at about 100,000 - 120,000.

    Good luck, and enjoy!
