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  • A warning for children`s non-fiction writers
    by CarolineSG at 19:15 on 16 November 2006
    I can't think where to put this message, so apologies if it isn't appropriate for 'ethical issues'!

    I am in the process of sueing a publishing company that specialises in science for children among other things. I've checked with David whether I can use their name and he explained that it causes them headaches at WW, so I just wanted to put this warning here and then anyone who wants to know more can webmail me.

    Two other journalists have also been let down and are sueing and a friend in the society of authors (who is one of the victims too) found out that this company was on a blacklist a while back, but they hadn't heard anything since.
    We were told to abruptly finish work halfway through the second book in a series and the reason is that their partners in the US pulled out. We were all assured we would be paid in full, but that was six months ago and they ignore calls, emails and letters.
    We three are now carrying out County Court proceedings, but the whole thing is so depressing, if there's any chance of warning anyone else off, it would help! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want names!