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  • Need advice
    by yommy1 at 21:13 on 22 June 2004

    Dayo is an obdurate Journalist who's world was fast
    collapsing and his family
    tearing apart after being released from Prison by the Military Junta.So,he blamed
    his fanatical religous wife for the turmoil in his
    once cherished life.He became touchy and
    would often burn his anger at the slightest
    provocation.His wife was confined by the fear of
    keeping his marriage Vow.

    But when his editor sent him to investigate a
    prostitution racket and an AIDS story in a brothel to
    save his career from Nose diving.Fearing he might lose
    family to divorce and his pompous ego going down the
    drain,while scorting
    in the brothel home.He soon find out that he could
    reform his battered life and the life of few
    prostitutes who are selling AIDS for free.