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  • How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by willsonjohn at 10:13 on 07 January 2015
    Hello everybody !!!
       I a'm new on this forum and just starting my writing career. I never wrote a novel before. My Goal for year 2015 so to write a novel. The only thing I'm sure is that novel would likely be an horror, fantastic or drama novel.

    My question is: Where do you get your inspiration for story? How to you start the process of writing a novel?
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by Freebird at 13:10 on 07 January 2015
    Hi John, and welcome to WW.

    This question is both the easiest and the most difficult to answer!

    Ideas can come from literally anywhere - things you see on TV, conversations you hear on the bus, magazines, pictures, dreams.... the possiblities are endless.  However, the difficult thing is that ideas don't just come to you on demand.

    I understand that drive to write something important and good and all-consuming, but most writers would say that you need a fairly clear idea of what you're going to write first, and that might mean quite a long process, which is part of the whole writing shebang.
    It looks different for everyone, but it might look something like this (for me, at least):

    1. get yourself a notebook and take it EVERYWHERE (there's no knowing where an idea might strike, and although you think you'll remember it because it's so good, chances are you won't). Jot down every idea that comes to you, without trying to judge whether it's a good one or a bad one. Write down a word, a sentence, a title, a snippet of dialogue - draw a sketch if you want to.

    2. If there is an idea that is burning itself into your brain and won't leave you alone, give it more thought. Think about the beginning, think about how it will end (some people plan the rest, others never do, but you do need those two pointers ideally). Think about your characters.

    3. Don't start writing until you've spent a lot of time daydreaming, thinking, allowing your ideas to gestate into something more substantial. Don't start writing until you absolutely have to, or you will burst.

    4. Most importantly, enjoy it!!
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by willsonjohn at 08:51 on 08 January 2015
    Thanks for providing me such a great suggestion on Article writing.
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by Freebird at 13:32 on 09 January 2015
    just as an example, I went out for a coffee with a friend this morning and she made a very simple comment about her new vacuum cleaner and I thought, 'There's a picture book in that'. Came home, wrote it down and there's another idea to be developed into a manuscript
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by EmmaD at 14:59 on 10 January 2015
    Fantastic suggestions from Freebird.

    At its bones, any story needs you to have dreamed up three things:

    a character
    a problem for that character
    a reason why that character can't solve that problem easily and immediately (otherwise it'll be a very short and rather dull book)

    Of course, the character may think they can solve the problem easily and immediately, so they try and ... what happens next? What gets in the way? What does the character do to try and defeat or get round the person or thing that's in the way? When they have, they still need to solve the original problem (or they've got a new, worse one) so what do they do next... and so on.

    The only other rule is that the stakes have to rise: both the disaster and the triumph that are looming have to get bigger. James Bond starts with a pipsqueak trying to steal his wallet, and ends with having to save the world. Not the other way round.
    Edited by EmmaD at 15:00:00 on 10 January 2015
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by alexhazel at 21:00 on 30 January 2015
    Not the other way round.
    Now there's an idea-provoking statement, if ever I saw one. What if the pickpocket turned out to be an alien who just looked human? Or an AI attempting to find a way into MI6 headquarters?
  • Re: How should I get my inspiration for writing my first novel?
    by himanshu2263 at 03:21 on 20 March 2015
    It"s pretty good that you want to do something ordinary and write a novel.
    You have to show and maintain your regularity and determination. You have to be focused always.

    i would suggest you to read Inspirational Stories so you findyourdelf more focused and determine. Here is the inspirational stories section {http://eshortstories.com/short-inspirational-stories/}, from the best of best stories website: eShortStories.com :)