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  • Contacting Publishers Direct
    by Colin-M at 19:22 on 03 May 2004
    Is it worth submitting direct to publishers? I have a friend who runs a small publishing company and insists that it is a waste of time. The manuscripts go onto the slush pile, wait for a few months and are then returned unread.

    To me this seems a bit "conspiracy theory"-ish - ie, why bother to wait for three months when they can just return them when the come in?

    So does anyone know if it is worth the effort and money? Getting an agent is hard, some say impossible without something under your belt, but others insist that getting that something under your belt without having an agent is equally impossible.



    Colin M
  • Re: Contacting Publishers Direct
    by Dee at 19:57 on 03 May 2004
    Colin, the reason it’s so difficult to get an agent these days is because getting a publisher without one is about as easy as finding rocking horse shit…
