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  • My review of `Wool`
    by Terry Edge at 19:08 on 21 January 2013
    My review of 'Wool' by Hugh Howey is up at Arc Magazine today:

    Wool has been a huge self-publishing hit - 300,000 copies I believe so far. Now it's being released by Century. What I like about it is its integrity: Howey has told the story exactly the way he wants to, and that really is the strength of self-publishing. He also made sure it was well-edited - as far as I can tell, Century have not had to do anything to it.

    I was very heartened reading Wool, to see that you don't have to mimic traditional publishing's output to succeed with a self-published novel.



    As I mention in the review, Hugh Howey is unusual in that he replies to comments about his books on Amazon. Most writers see this is a crazy thing to do. Yet he does it with politeness and honesty, and pulls it off I think.

    He's also breaking another taboo by endorsing a book set in his world but written by another author:


    Check the comments, especially his response to the claim that he's being ripped off by this imitator.

    Could be that self-publishing is changing more 'givens' than we thought.
