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  • Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by Jennifer1976 at 14:58 on 30 October 2014
    Yikes, I’ve just received an email letting me know that I’ve been longlisted for the Mslexia Magazine 2014 memoir competition. Quite excited, as I’ve never entered my writing into a competition before.
    I don’t know any writerly types in my normal life, and this is all very new to me, so I wanted to share the news with WW.
    I have now convinced myself that maybe the standard is poor this year, or not many people entered, or they just felt sorry for me, a bit like the joke acts that go on Britain’s Got Talent and they put them through to the next round, knowing that they’re going to get cut.
    Still, it’s not exactly bad news, is it?
    Now, I must get my sensible head on and edit my synopsis (which is rubbish at the moment) and stock up on printer cartridges. Even if I get no further, at least it’ll be something I can put on letters to agents. And it’s an opportunity to have my whole manuscript read by somebody too.
    Hope everybody else is having a good writing week.
    All the best,
    Jenny smiley
  • Re: Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by TassieDevil at 20:26 on 30 October 2014
    Fantastic news, Jenny,
    Many congrats and you mustn't put yourself or the comp standard down at all. It's a great achievement and you should feel justifiably proud of this milestone in your writing career,
  • Re: Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by Jennifer1976 at 20:52 on 30 October 2014
    Thanks Alan. I'm still a little shocked, as I assumed I hadn't got anywhere, what with the October deadline for letting entrants know. I'll have a busy few days double spacing and printing ahead of me now. laugh
  • Re: Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by EmmaD at 12:59 on 01 November 2014
    Fantastic! Huge congratulations! Mslexia comps are very, very tough to get anywhere in, so that's really impressive.

    Best of luck with the next round.
  • Re: Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by Jennifer1976 at 15:55 on 01 November 2014
    Thanks Emma, I think it's starting to sink in now. Have had a busy morning doing last minute edits and proofreading, so unless I spot any glaring errors, it's just the synopsis to tweak now.
  • Re: Mslexia Magazine memoir competition 2014
    by Teika Bellamy at 23:29 on 17 November 2014
    Fantastic news Jenny. As Emma said Mslexia is very very difficult to get into. The numbers of entrants are usually huge so a big Well Done! from me :-)