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  • Good short story writing.
    by Becca at 10:14 on 06 March 2004
    I think there is still a belief about that short stories are just truncated novels, a belief that goes along with the idea that short story writers are just people who haven't got round to writing a novel.

    The other day I found a short story that is so true to the craft that I asked the writer, Anne Marie, (Anisoara), if I could write about it on this forum.
    The story is called 'The Potato.' Anne Marie has uploaded an edited version and a strange glitchy thing has appeared at the ends of the sentences which has to be ignored.

    By writing about it, I'm not saying that it couldn't be improved because all our stories could be of course,- but it comes very close to what the medium is all about. These are the reasons I think that:
    The story is tightly focused and never wanders off the point.
    The story, although simple, points to a larger reality beyond its immediate context.
    The setting and the characters are elegantly described in a few skilfully worded sentences, and beautiful ones. The writer tells you just enough about the characters to allow you, as the reader, to invent the rest, this is intelligent.
    The pace is consistant and confident and the story has a distinct shape.
    There are five characters in the story (including the Potato, who transmutes from object to character effortlessly), and there is never any confusion about who is who.
    There are no straggling untied ends of the kind which frustrate the reader, (rather than the kind which add to the atmosphere)
    As far as I know this story comes directly from Anne Marie's experience and yet she does not fall into the trap of writing an 'account, or a 'report.'

    Having found 'The Potato' means that when the question arises about whether a piece of work is actually a short story or not, as it sometimes does, I've got a template to work from.
  • Re: Good short story writing.
    by Elspeth at 10:32 on 08 March 2004
    I agree with you Becca, that The Potato is a great short story, and recommended reading as far as I'm concerned. This site has an excellent focus on short stories as well as novels and there are some great examples around.



    I though the third version of this thread might be feeling lonely....
  • Re: Good short story writing.
    by Becca at 14:49 on 08 March 2004
    LOL. It was feeling lonely, IB has explained how I could have avoided three uploads, but my head went all buzzy and my throat got tight when I read it.