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  • Anyone got the Guts?
    by geoffmorris at 20:40 on 14 March 2004
    Did anyone read the short story by Chuck Palahniuk in the Weekend magazine with Saturdays Guardian.

    Pretty gross stuff. The magazine hypes it as possibly the most grusome short story ever published. What does anyone else think?

    And here's the challenge!

    Does anyone have it in them to write a truly stomach turning tale, something so graphic it will actually make someone feel a little sick?

  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by Dee at 21:23 on 14 March 2004
    Yes I'd like to.

    I mean it. We all have different facets and they should come out in our writing. I've written stuff that I hope would shock - but I don't have the confidence at this stage to post it here. Sad innit?

    I didn't see Saturday's Guardian - could you scan it in? Or would it be on their website?

  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by geoffmorris at 21:31 on 14 March 2004
    There's only an extract on the site and I dont' have a scanner! I I haven't got time to type it at the moment! Tell you waht though I'm terrible at keeping promises like this. I'll copy the extract and then try and type the rest! It might take some time so anyone out there that can help with the scanning?


    Just looked at it it should take too long. AM I allowed to post it on here though? Methinks not.
  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by Dee at 21:45 on 14 March 2004
    No don't bother typing it out Geoff - I've just read it on the Guardian's website. Yes, gruesome - but a well-crafted story... I've copied it so if anyone else wants to read it... can't upload it as a piece of work because that would infringe copyright... it's on the Guardian's website at the moment...

    I think the point about this is that it is so well written, regardless of the content. I once heard about a writing tutor who asked his students if they were all waiting for their mothers to die - there is a hint of this in a lot of writing on this site... some really good stuff simmering below the surface but we are maybe too scared of what our 'mothers' would think...

    Good subject.


  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by geoffmorris at 21:58 on 14 March 2004
    The bit on the Guardian site is only half of the story! The second half is much much worse!


    That's so true about the mother thing. I shan't be letting my mother read any of my stuff!
  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by Account Closed at 22:05 on 14 March 2004
    Hi Geoff,
    I started reading it and got to the past where the carrot had gone missing and then had to go out and it was only later that I read all the hype on the front cover of the magazine.

    I've generally got a pretty strong stomach but remember physically retching after reading a certain extract from Trainspotting one morning on the metro.

    Will read to the end and consider the challenge...

  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by geoffmorris at 22:51 on 14 March 2004

    I've got Guts so anyone who wants some just mail me. Don't think people will appreciate me sticking my Guts all over a nice clean site like this

  • Re: Anyone got the Guts?
    by Jubbly at 20:51 on 26 March 2004
    Hi Geoff,

    I've only just caught up with this thread. I read it, and had to scream several times, mainly because I have two sons, one nearing that scary sheet washing age and I completely freaked out. It was very interesting to see the reactions in the letter to the Ed the following week, a few people clearly pretending not to have been shocked, the lady does protest and all that. Boys eh, who'd have em.
