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Random Read

  • RLG1
    by Jekyll&Hyde at 10:40 on 02 March 2006
    Random Line Generator 1

    If someone wants to set a "line" for the exercise. Feel free.

    Was their a deadline for the original RLG?

  • Re: RLG1
    by Skippoo at 10:55 on 02 March 2006
    I can't think of a phrase that doesn't involve lots of swearwords at the moment.

    But in answer to your other question, it was a new RLG at the beginning of each month.

  • Re: RLG1
    by Dee at 14:55 on 02 March 2006
    No word limits, no deadlines, can be a piece of fiction - any style or genre - or a poem or anything. Here's a line:

    "What have you got in that cupboard?"

  • Re: RLG1
    by Katerina at 15:39 on 02 March 2006
    Asked Angie making Malcolm jump out of his skin.


    Erm, I'm not sure that I get this still, does everyone just write one line, or do you have to write a whole story using that one line as your opening line?

    Can someone please explain to me properly how RLG works.



    Ignore this one and see other addition below.
  • Re: RLG1
    by SamMorris at 17:33 on 02 March 2006
    Hi Kat, I browsed the labyrinth like depths of the WW forum archives and last time around the guidelines were along the lines of:

    On the first of each month someone comes up with an opening line and we use it as a starter. Anyone can join in. It can be a short story, a poem, a play or non-fiction. There is no word limit and the only rule is that it has to start with the opening line. Just precede your title with 'RLG1' so it’s visible as a RLG story in the archive. You could also post something in this thread to let everyone know it’s up.

    Well done Dee, good line!
  • Re: RLG1
    by mon at 03:01 on 03 March 2006
    Dee, is this the line??
    If it is:
    "Oh,...well, I was just trying to find,... to find those pills I picked up yesterday...the painkillers you know,...these headaches are just awful." She quickly closed the cupboard and looked at him with a nervous smile.
  • Re: RLG1
    by Katerina at 10:38 on 03 March 2006
    Asked Sam sticking his head in to have a look. And that was the last anyone ever heard or saw of him as the beast clamped its huge jaws over Sams head and sucked him in whole like a huge serpent swollowing its prey.



    Maybe I've got the hang of this now?
  • Re: RLG1
    by SamMorris at 12:21 on 03 March 2006
    Kinda. Except that, unknown to most, Sam knew how to hypnotise serpent like beasts using a battered, old kazoo. A family heirloom he’d been given as a small child by a reclusive and mysterious uncle. An uncle who happened to be called Stuart and disappeared without a trace, shortly after presenting his precious gift. Sam, therefore, managed to escape unscathed. Excepting the fact his shirt had come untucked and his hair a little askew. When the police arrived, called in complaint by a neighbour regarding the terrible noise Sam had emanated from his hypnotic instrument, he raised his kazoo once more and bid the beast attack the uniformed interlopers. He knew very soon, with both the kazoo and now the beast, he would rule the World. He laughed in an appropriately evil manner, rocking his head back and opening his mouth wide. As he did so, right on cue, lightening split the dark skies above, and it began to rain. Satisfied but thirsty, Sam went back to the kitchen and made himself, and the beast of course, a cup of tea. Watching the water as it gathered and cascaded down his window in large, dirty droplets, he mulled over his plans for World domination, and considered a chocolate hob-nob to accompany his beverage. He knew he was most likely imagining it, but he could of sworn the beast bore a starling resemblance to Uncle Stu.

    “Biscuit?” He said, leaning the packet in the beasts direction, one eyebrow raised.

    Oh, and you're really supposed to upload in into the archive...
  • Re: RLG1
    by Jekyll&Hyde at 06:40 on 06 March 2006
    Mon, Kat, Sam - I'm seeing a pattern here...

    ***cough*** individual ***cough*** stories ***cough***

    I'm away five minutes and it's gone arse over tit.

    Prospy, come and sort them out.

    Dee's set the line:

    "What have you got in that cupboard?"

    I've still got no idea what's in the cupboard.

  • Re: RLG1
    by olebut at 08:13 on 06 March 2006
    I have produced a poem based on the line Dee posted, the poem can be found at


    as for a piece of prose well sometimes they come some time sthye don't but I guess I'll haveto have another look in the cupboard

    take care all



    oops finger dyslexia strikes again
  • Re: RLG1
    by Prospero at 09:50 on 06 March 2006
    O.K. Boys and Girls my cupboard contains...
  • Re: RLG1
    by Prospero at 10:09 on 06 March 2006
    Sorry J&K. Koff, koff. I think I've got a hair-ball.

    Right Boys and Girls, we have a prompt courtsey of Dee.

    "What have you got in that cupboard?"

    No word limit is asking for trouble so let's keep it under a thousand words.

    Likewise no time limit. How about the 1st of each month. So the 1st of April for this one.(how apt)

    Whoever posts the prompt picks their favourite. That lucky, lucky, b******d, then gets to set the next prompt and off we go again.

    Abusive postcards and offers of Jennifer Aniston to:

    Cap'n Prosp, your friendly neighbourhood despot
    The Great Cabin
    High Seas
    Somewhere or Other

  • Re: RLG1
    by Prospero at 10:13 on 06 March 2006
    Ooops! Meant to add post in your personal archive and put a link in the Writing Exercises Forum RLG(whatever.

  • Re: RLG1
    by SamMorris at 19:41 on 06 March 2006
    More sillyness: Boy Becomes Man


    From me I mean!