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  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by tinyclanger at 17:15 on 02 March 2004
    See, this argument about the RLG being of interest only to a small group of us doesn't justify it's being moved. The Synopsis thread has been on the board a few days. Including Anna & Davd, 8 different people have posted.
    On this RLG thread so far, 9 different people have posted and it's only been going since yesterday...so why does Synopsis stay, and this get moved? (
    not picking on Synopsis, Elsie and other contributors, it's just the next one on the list)

    I can see that we don't want one thread to take over, but why is this line of reasoning being applied in some cases, and not in others?
    And it's only one Thread so it can't take over the board. I could understand if we had each set up our own separate threads, but it's just one. All the other threads are still there.

    God, this just makes no sense at all. I'm getting crosser as the day goes on!

    Grrr. Where's my spade. Off for a dig to get rid of my mounting irrtitation.
    Crossly x
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 17:39 on 02 March 2004
    Okay, I'm awake. Thanks Richard...oh wait - you're not a frog or a prince??? Then why the hell did you kiss me? I've made it quite clear that I only get involved with utter f..rogs or pri..nces!

    So, I'm not going to waste my breath or more precisely my 85 wpm speedy fingers on this. The reason being that the reasons given for this do NOT make sense AT ALL. There doesn't seem to be any willingness from the Admin team to reconsider and realise the whole POINT of this protest - which is the need to notify us, the paying members who make WriteWords what it is, as to why they decide to delete posts or change the goal posts! Tony Blair where are you?

    And as tc said, it's quite clear that RLG is being singled out. I'm repeating myself and I'm sounding like a broken record even to my ears...so I'm going to stop now.

    Here kitty, kitty....


  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Richardwest at 17:39 on 02 March 2004
    Katie, nope. Wasn't Snowy. His lawyer, Sue Furball, was on her way to see you so. . . Hmmm. Kinda been one of those days. I think I'll go and try RLG3 now.
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 17:45 on 02 March 2004
    I wouldn't bother, Richard... the goalposts have disappeared into the fog...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 17:46 on 02 March 2004
    Oh, I'd just like to say. I know I've deleted all of my uploads, but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented and really helped 1. Give a much needed boost to my ego with their praise of my work and 2. Raise my standards with their insightful comments and constructive criticism. It's not all lost - I copied and pasted it all and will be leafed through regularly

    I'm sorry if this protest of mine has stopped people getting on with their RLG - that wasn't my intent. Please do continue with it and I look forward to reading them all!

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Colin-M at 17:47 on 02 March 2004
    AHA!! Found You!

    I was waiting for RLG3 to appear in the main forum. Thought I'd look here and hey presto. Then I read through the backlog of threads. Lots of angry people in here. Would having an RLG Group solve the problem. It would be a better way of seeing who has uploaded. Just a thought.

    Anyway, I've just got the new RLG so my minds ticking over. I uploaded something last night, (not RLG) so hopefully I'll come up with something in the next day or so.

    Quite a good one this, not sure how to approach it though.

    P.S. just a note to add to the quarrel about being shifted from the forum for being over chatty - it is exactly that kind of chatty community that I was looking for when I found this site. It is informal chat that often helps to solve each other's problems and help generate ideas and enthusiam. It certainly makes it feel like a community. Personally, I love it. Besides, it must work, it convinved me to spend thirty-five quid.

    Colin M.
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 17:53 on 02 March 2004
    Colin Hi

    The fact about the chatty and friendly community encouraging rather than putting off new subscribers was precisely my argument in my email to David Bruce...but alas, either I'm mute or someone's not listening...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Elspeth at 17:56 on 02 March 2004
    An RLG group sounds like an excellent idea Colin, (but of course that's up to the admin people - whoops, nearly fell off the fence there!) I'm sure there's much discussion going on behind the scenes as it were, but I wonder whether any other site experts or WW people have any suggestions? There's plenty of room on my fence...

    And Richard - threatening me with legal action now are we? Charming! I knew that moggy was up to no good!
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 17:56 on 02 March 2004
    Well said, Colin.

    That is exactly what I though WW was about... glad we didn't scare you off...

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Richardwest at 18:03 on 02 March 2004
    Well I don't know about anybody else here, if indeed there is anybody else here, but Colin's comment is more constructive than anything I've thought of. An RLG Group. What's wrong with that? And I think Colin's remarks -- my God, where've you been all day??? -- are also especially telling, because it's very often the downright surrealism of many of our threads which makes me glad I'm in WriteWords.

    Writing is a craft as well as an art. We all know that. And because it's a craft you have to be disciplined and painstaking and even when your imagination demands free rein you have to haul it back, keep everything on track.

    What you need, after that, is the company of a boozer full of other writers who are similarly tired out from exercising restraint, discipline, intellectual muscle. Who simply want to have a giggle -- not all the time, but sometimes, certainly -- around a table to which everyone is invited and everyone is welcome.

    I haven't been that long on WriteWords but I do know, wherever I've gone, there's always been a chair waiting. Not everyone may wish to join a particular table but choice has always been the operative word.

    Anyway. My thanks, Colin, not only for stepping in here to say what needed saying, but also for coming up with an idea that's of real merit.

    Can everyone have a think about it please. . . before I have to face Two Strong Men in a bedroom again????


    * Nahed. Would you be the moderator for an RLG Group?? Huh?


    Katie: I'm actually gonna sue EVERYBODY after what's gone on today!!!!!

    Wordy: I cannot keep up with all the comments but I'm glad you're still around to receive the writ that's about to land in everyone's lap apart from Colin's.
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 18:04 on 02 March 2004
    David's argument to me about RLG itself is that it frightens people (new comers) off when they see a tight knit group of people who know each other discussing and commenting on a certain subject. This doesn't make sense to me because there are Groups for writing genres (yes not much is said in there - you can hear a pin drop - but it's a group nonetheless). This is a community so it is infact a group and we all 'know' each other and or at least try to get to know each other. So if an RLG Group is agreed to, that would suprise me very much not to mention confuse the hell out of me at what exactly this is all about. However, I would agree to a Group if there was no limit to the amount of participators. It's open to every member who wishes to participate.

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by tinyclanger at 18:09 on 02 March 2004
    Good on yer, Colin!
    I KNEW we didn't scare people away. hah, can you imagine tinyclanger terrorising anyone? What am I gona do, hoot at them in an intimidating manner? Send the Froglets round?

    God, I have a headache and I need a drink, possibly several. Anyone coming to the Brtiania, or would a group outing like that be intimidating for new members who don't know about it?
    Do we draw lots on who fills them in on that one, or shall we just leave Richard to do it?
    Thought so, we'll see you later then Rich..

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by word`s worth at 18:11 on 02 March 2004

    Only if I get a badge that says 'RLG Group Moderator'. Seriously, I would have no problem being the moderator (whatever that entails - hopefully lots of whips and leather) but as I said, unlikely that Brucie - I mean David would agree to it. And in view of the hard time I've given him...he probably wouldn't allow me within two megabytes of the highly respected and powerful position of a Moderator

    Nahed x


    Sue me then Richard...go ahead, I'm rich I can afford it - it's all those cheques you've been sending me for saying how wonderful your work is on WriteWords...whoops I'm sorry, was I not supposed to mention that? ;)
  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Richardwest at 18:17 on 02 March 2004
    Tiny: Well I can hardly buy drinks for people I'm suing for whatever it is they've done to me today, which is A Lot. Personally I blame Jubbly for all this because I think he was the one who came up with the idea of a Random Leaving Generator in the first place.

    Oh. I think when Colin meant having an RLG Group, he meant exactly that, like, with all of us and everybody else who wants to be in it, er, in it. So if you were in it instead of attacking me with a spade (actually, that was Ralph, but never mind) then I'm sure it would be a model of cold clear analytical criticism and not at all expensive in terms of the rounds I'm gonna have to buy when we get around to having a WriteWords excursion.

    Actually. That's a thought. Haven't some members of the community already had one? Well without wishing to be controversial here I really, honestly, genuinely did not find that idea intimidating or elitist or anything.

    If Nahed's agreeable, I mean in the sense of agreeing to this, not her general dispositioin, which of course always is, agreeable, and I hate having to type online against the clock because of sentence constructioin, but if she is?

  • Re: RLG3 Yes, It`s that time again!
    by Dee at 18:20 on 02 March 2004
    Whips? Leather? Does Colin know what c-o-w he's opened up here?

    Include me in... I'll go along with an RLG group, as long as any posts we make... to alert others to what's happening... appear on the general forum...


    Richard, if that was a sidewinding stab at organising a piss-up at the Brit... count me in...

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